Cat Faces Digitally Morphed Onto Other Animals Is Incredibly Interesting
These photos are a part of the Koty Vezde (Cats Everywhere) photo series, which currently has more than 150,000 followers.

Galina Bugaevskaya from Moscow adores cats. And she likes photoshopping their kitty cat faces on absolutely everything, and even more. No matter if it’s a penguin, snail, a hedgehog, or even an inanimate object - it will get a cat face.
The digital cat photos might not be to everyone’s taste, but you have to admit they are interesting. And if you love cats even a fraction as much as Bugaevskaya loves cats, then you'll probably appreciate the artistry and imagination.
This series of photographs is appropriately titled Koty Vezde (Cats Everywhere), and it has developed into quite a phenomenon on the Internet. This is probably related to the fact that the Internet loves cats.
Galina’s cat themed photoshop experiment now has more than 150,000 followers. We have selected some of the best photographs, and we know you will find them interesting.
1. Hedgehog Cat


Naturally, the whole process starts with a cat. "Usually, I see a funny face of a cat and understand that I just have to use it in my work," Bugaevskaya told the reporters.
"Sometimes I can see who it might be right away. And sometimes I have to go through my archive of pictures [to see what fits], trying to decide which image will suit it best".
Galina loves all cats, but she always chooses emotional ones with funny facial expressions. That's what makes Koty Vezde unique. "They are so fun to work with," she said.

If you scroll through Koty Vezde's Instagram feed, it's obvious that Galina’s Photoshop skills have improved tremendously over time. "I use more complex techniques and work with more complex images than I did before," she said.
"Now, I can change the light and shadow or even modify textures. This allows me to make more realistic images."
The quality of the final image depends heavily on the original image. It's much easier to work when the raw material is good. And when Galina is in the zone, everything goes smoothly.
"Sometimes, when I'm on a roll, I do the work very quickly, and it turns out very well."
She said she's thankful to every person who visits her Instagram page and is really happy when people like the photos and support her work. That's what counts the most - cats and positivity.
4. Giraffe Cat



7. Cat Inception: Tiger Cat



10. Koala Kitty





15. This kitty puts the cat in catfish?


17. Goats have kids, Cats have kittens, what does this thing have?




21. Aplacat

22. She's not kitten around with these otters.



25. Clown Fish Cat



28. Zebra Cat is kinda nightmare fuel.

