50 Hilarious Pictures Of Animals Who Got Stuck And Needed Help From Humans
Some cry for help, others are just chill while they're stuck.

For the most part, our pets are independent creatures. We only need to feed them, take them out for some walks, and give them toys.
They can pretty much be on their own for a lot of times. They'll just play in the yard or the living room as we go about our daily schedule.
However, the curious nature of animals can get them into sticky situations. With such behavior, they tend to get stuck in different spots.
From kitchen tops and garbage bins to sofa cracks, these nutjobs would even require human help. Today, we're looking at just that—animals who are amusingly stuck in the strangest places.
A lot of people would probably help their furballs immediately. As for the rest of the pet owners?
Well, they want to share the fun with their family, friends, and even the internet. So they'll snap photos of these silly furballs who are hilariously stuck in places they're not supposed to be in.
You'll have 50 pictures to enjoy, which are all cute and funny at the same time. We have a dog who chewed on a towel, creates a hole, and started wearing it as a poncho, a cat who's stuck on a floater in the middle of the pool, and many more!
30. This became rescue mission that involved a non-emergency fire dispatch and tons of treats.

31. Dog owner wakes up to frightened cries and finds this.

21. No explanation needed. That face says it all!

15. Stuck but still smiling.
He got stuck. I saved him, but first I had to get this picture.

43. Happens all the time

36. Raccoon gets stuck in a tree like this

39. Chicken thinks she has the mad skills of a cat
"Oh, I wonder where the chicken we-" P.S. she's fine. She just thinks she's a cat and then gets stuck when she cannot liquify like a cat.

50. "It's this hammock's fault!"

9. Trying to steal food from a vending machine, but ended up like this.

44. Thank goodness this duck was rescued.

28. Possum needed to be rescued and rehabbed.

45. Trying to get rid of poop.
I came in to find my tortoise like this. Putting the clues together, it seems he pooped, got it stuck on his foot, ran in circles trying to get it off, and flipped over. Good job buddy.

34. Nothing new for this cat as gets stuck in the tape roll often.

19. Trying to experience what the life of a seal is like.

2. A literal booby trap

42. This is the way a guinea pig gets stuck.

13. Dog had too much fun when she was allowed to play in the garden, then ends up like this.

26. She didn't run away, she just dug a hole for herself, literally.
Couldn't find our dog this morning after letting her out, thought she ran away. Turns out she dug a tunnel under the playhouse and got stuck like this trying to get back out:

12. Cat gets stuck on top of a pole

5. Cat volunteers as a Christmas decoration

25. Animal control had to rescue this creature.

8. A raccoon's emergency situation

46. "Get this thing off me, hooman!"
I stuck an empty toilet paper tube on his leg and he gave me this look

22. "Umm...help?"

48. Sorry bud, you can't fit in there.

4. A doggo who thought he was a monkey

49. Thanks to public works employees, this trash panda was set free.

6. Stuck beneath the shed.

41. "Rescue me now, hooman! Or else..."

18. What a way to get stuck.

20. Little did she know, the toilet paper rolls would retaliate.

1. She didn't want to disturb her hooman.
Maddie trapped herself in the basement and was too polite to bark. This is how I found out.

16. This cat had the nerve to be angry after being rescued.
When I rescued him, he hissed at me and burrowed back in

47. Bread necklace

35. After chewing the towel, it became his poncho.

23. This cat's brand new life

38. Ready for battle.

17. The original Hawaiian sweet roll

11. The toilet bowl, of all places.

7. Poor goat.
Heard something going on in the kitchen then heard screams of bloody murder. Walked in and saw this. A goat stuck in my trash can.

3. At least she got an accessory.
My friends cat got it's head stuck in a vase, freaked out, broke the vase, and was left with this.

These photos of animals being stuck may be funny for us humans, but remember that it isn't the case for these creatures.
Stats reveal that about three pets in the USA die from suffocation. As much as possible, pet-proof your home and your yard.
Pet cameras are also handy when you're at work while your fur babies are at home. It will give you peace of mind knowing you can check on them when they get themselves in a sticky situation.
#32 My Dog Was Very Distressed About This

40. Dog owner comes home and sees trash around the house. Then finds the culprit.

14. They can't use that BBQ brush anymore
My old boy who came to let me know he’d found the BBQ brush; got it stuck in his butt.

37. This Golden Retriever's regret

24. They don't seem to mind being stuck.
These derps got stuck in a storm drain. I don’t think they’re worried.

33. Looks painful.

10. Frog gets stuck in a terrarium and becomes flat

32. Another addition to the "dog is broken" meme.
#10 Is This What People Mean When They Say Their Dog Is Broken? Asking For A Friend

29. "Don't worry, I'm okay."
