Artist Re-imagines Animals As Anime Characters

Imagine what your favorite animal would look like in human form

Artist Re-imagines Animals As Anime Characters

There is no doubt that animals play a significant role in our lives. They provide us with companionship and are even responsible for teaching us a few lessons about life.

A dog's loyalty is a lesson for us all; the cat and cleanliness is another example. And who could ever forget the lesson we learned from the tortoise and the hare? —"Slow and steady wins the race."

But what if there was a way to get even more out of animals? What if they could provide us with the inspiration to create something unique of our own?

Imagine what your favorite animal would look like in human form. Would it have the same physical traits? Would their personalities still be apparent?

One Korean artist is bringing animals back into the spotlight with his exquisite works of art. 

Nitro blends the character traits of animals with anime to create unique, one-of-a-kind art. He takes various images of real animals and reimagines them in human form.

The artist begins each project by researching the animal he wishes to draw. He then takes the physical characteristics of the animal and incorporates them into his work.

What's more, the illustrations are extremely appealing, and there's a solid explanation for this: the artist is a master at conjuring up one-of-a-kind characters out of thin air—having doubts? Explore his most recent work and decide for yourself.

More info: Facebook | Instagram |

1. This Polish Chicken would make a pretty neat anime character

1. This Polish Chicken would make a pretty neat anime characterbyeongju.a

2. Iguana girl

2. Iguana girlbyeongju.a

3. Wolf Boy

3. Wolf Boybyeongju.a

4. The queen of the jungle

4. The queen of the junglebyeongju.a

5. How cool is this Illustration of a Spectacled Owl in human form?

5. How cool is this Illustration of a Spectacled Owl in human form?byeongju.a

6. Belgian Blue in it's human glory

6. Belgian Blue in it's human glorybyeongju.a

7. Tiger King

7. Tiger Kingbyeongju.a

8. Getting inspiration from a Cotton-Top Tamarin

8. Getting inspiration from a Cotton-Top Tamarinbyeongju.a

9. The Guineafowl goth girl

9. The Guineafowl goth girlbyeongju.a

10. The human crow

10. The human crowbyeongju.a

11. Friesian Horse channeling it's inner human priest

11. Friesian Horse channeling it's inner human priestbyeongju.a

12. Russian Hunting Sighthound comes to life as an anime character

12. Russian Hunting Sighthound comes to life as an anime characterbyeongju.a

13. Heterochromia kitty girls

13. Heterochromia kitty girlsbyeongju.a

14. Shock-Headed Capuchin gets an anime illustration

14. Shock-Headed Capuchin gets an anime illustrationbyeongju.a

15. Hyena gets a makeover

15. Hyena gets a makeoverbyeongju.a

16. Gorilla Boss Man

16. Gorilla Boss Manbyeongju.a

17. This majestic looking man suits the Brown Bear perfectly

17. This majestic looking man suits the Brown Bear perfectlybyeongju.a

Nitro's work is nothing short of creative genius. His pieces are not only stunning but are thought-provoking.

They make you think about the relationship between humans and animals. He is bringing up issues of our connection with nature.

This series has received many positive reviews and is gaining much popularity. So if you wish to be one of the first to see what Nitro has in store for us next, be sure to check out his page.
