There's Trouble In Paradise For This Animal Lover Who Finds Himself In A Difficult Position Of Choosing Between His 7 Pets And His Girlfriend
He has four dogs and three cats who love sleeping beside him, plus a sleep-deprived girlfriend who is frustrated with the arrangement
- Published in Animal Stories
There are a lot of factors that can complicate a relationship. Even when the relationship is relatively new, some glaring differences can just be too much to overcome.
OP certainly hoped that this wouldn't be the case for him and his new girlfriend, Abby. The main things we need to know about OP in this story are: a, he really likes Abby, and b, he loves all of his pets...
... and there are a lot of them. OP has four dogs and three cats who are all used to sleeping beside and on top of OP.
He has a king-size mattress just to make sure they all have room. OP says that at least five of his pets sleep on his bed with him nightly.
The problem is that Abby now has to find a way to Tetris on the bed to sleep beside OP and his many dogs. Unfortunately, because of the animals, Abby feels she is simply not getting enough sleep.
Abby has asked OP to bar his pets from sleeping on the bed. OP says he understands Abby's frustrations but he is finding it difficult to grant her request.
OP reasons that this has been their nightly arrangement for as long as he can remember and he actually loves waking up to his beloved pets. On the other hand, OP also thinks waking up next to Abby is a wonderful thing.
They can sleep at Abby's place instead but that is not an option for OP because he has to priotize the daily needs of his pets first.
Abby's patience is running thin after OP's indecision. She told OP that he is choosing his animals over her and he prioritized their comfort above hers.
OP is at his wit's end debating which option is right or wrong for them. He says Abbys shouldn't have to deal with these many inconveniences just to be with him but he wants her in his life.
u/IUsedTheRandomizerYou can read the full account of the situation below for more details:
u/IUsedTheRandomizerFrom what we know, it seems like OP and Abby are just incompatible unless OP is willing to do what Abby asked or Abby tolerates not having enough sleep during their relationship
CrystalQueen3000Could this be the compromise OP and Abby are looking for?
charliechonchSomeone pointed out that it would be unfair to ask Abby to sleep in a separate room especially at this stage of their relationship
peanusbudderIt's enough to rethink the future of the relationship to be honest
grouchymonk1517No one is at fault here but they really do sound incompatible
ElimGarakOfCardassiaOP has a decision to make one way or another and his choice will determine his future with Abby
ElimGarakOfCardassiaAnother dog lover said this is a little too much even for people who absolutely adore their pets...
Fit_Acanthisitta7971... plus, they made a good point that OP shouldn't allow his dogs to dictate the choices he makes in life
Fit_Acanthisitta7971OP actually mentioned in another comment that he is asexual, so this isn't a problem but having your sleep interrupted every few seconds is still a big problem
ExcellentCold7354Abby will not be the last partner OP will have who will find an issue with this ongoing issue with the pets
mfruitflyOP has to make a difficult choice in the end, no matter how long he delays it
mfruitflyThat comment gave OP a good shake and woke him up to his reality
IUsedTheRandomizerHe and Abby are no longer dating
u/IUsedTheRandomizerOP genuinely seemed to care about Abby but they really are not compatible. Abby cannot survive for long without getting proper sleep and OP has to prioritize the comfort and well-being of his pets.
Abby will now get to sleep comfortably in her own home without interruption. While OP has made his bed and has to lie in it... with his dogs and cats beside him.