Wacky, Amusing, And Random Memes That Will Have You Laughing

Here is your daily dose of funny memes

  • Published in Funny
Wacky, Amusing, And Random Memes That Will Have You Laughing

Here is your daily dose of funny memes. We don’t know what you are into, so we decided to put a little bit of everything in.

Something for everyone - It’s a melting pot of funny stuff. So, they have one thing in common. But other than that, they are entirely different and put together just for your amusement. No hidden message, no raising awareness...Just amusement.

You will find giant teddy bears, pink elephants, and a unicorn’s a-hole…As we said – something for everyone.

Take a look at them and try to pick your favorite, if you can. 

1. Not exactly what she had in mind.

1. Not exactly what she had in mind.Imgur

2. Is it a horse, is it Alf?

2. Is it a horse, is it Alf?Imgur

3. This is a warning.

3. This is a warning.Imgur

4. For some people they are money trees, for others - happy trees.

4. For some people they are money trees, for others - happy trees.Imgur

5. How?

5. How? Imgur

6. I am looking at you from above…

6. I am looking at you from above…Imgur

7. Good thinking.

7. Good thinking.Imgur

8. Everyone is ignoring the elephant in the room.

8. Everyone is ignoring the elephant in the room.Imgur

9. Just the right size.

9. Just the right size.Imgur

10. You’ll get it right next time.

10. You’ll get it right next time.Imgur

11. Maybe a little bit over the top.

11. Maybe a little bit over the top.Imgur

12. Somehow you get the feeling that she is a cat person.

12. Somehow you get the feeling that she is a cat person.Imgur

13. Looks like fun.

13. Looks like fun.Imgur

14. Honey, i blew up my teddy bear?

14. Honey, i blew up my teddy bear?Imgur

15. This is totally misleading.

15. This is totally misleading.Imgur

16. Right place, right time, right tool.

16. Right place, right time, right tool.Imgur