Check Out This Alien Looking Kitten Rescued By A Family Who Found Her Abandoned In The Fields In The Middle Of The Night

“I was expecting her to grow into them and it just never happened!”

Check Out This Alien Looking Kitten  Rescued By A Family Who Found Her Abandoned In The Fields In The Middle Of The Night

A family rescued this kitten in the middle of the night when she was just three weeks old. She was found abandoned in the fields.

It was an extremely cold and rainy night so the family immediately brought her inside and to keep her warm. They knew then that she will become a part of their family.

“I had come home early from a football game at my friend’s high school and was talking to my mom when we heard meowing,” Mia Ibanez, a member of Jinx's family shared. “We had a giant field behind our house, so my mom and I went out into the backyard and shined a flashlight.

All we could see was a tiny black thing in the field, so we climbed the fence and found Jinx.”

They carefully picked her up and wrapped her in the blanket to keep her warm.

Then they fed her some formula milk. They decided they will put in all the efforts to give her a healthy life.

On her second day in her house, the family gets to have a closer look at her. It was then they noticed her unusual features.

Her eyes were pretty big for a tiny cat, and there were some other unusual features.

They carefully picked her up and wrapped her in the blanket to keep her warm. INSTAGRAM/BIGFOOTJINX

“I wasn’t sure if it was just because she was a kitten (I hadn’t had a kitten in years), but I originally just thought her eyes were really big, but over time realized her feet were also really wonky and same with her nose and mouth,” Ibanez told.

“I was expecting her to grow into them and it just never happened!”

“I wasn’t sure if it was just because she was a kitten (I hadn’t had a kitten in years), but I originally just thought her eyes were really big, but over time realized her feet were also really wonky and same with her nose and mouth,” Ibanez told. INSTAGRAM/BIGFOOTJINX

Jinx's family, noticing the anomalies, took her to see a vet.

He told them she was absolutely normal, and there was nothing wrong with her. They were told by the vet that Jinx does not have any underlying health conditions that they should be worried about.

The unusual features that she has are either due to the defects at her birth or they may be a side effect of her abandonment. Anyway, none of these have any effect on her overall health.

They are just weird-looking and rather make her pretty cute.

Jinx's family, noticing the anomalies, took her to see a vet.INSTAGRAM/BIGFOOTJINX

Even today, Jinx has this weirdness in her features.

She still has a slightly sticking out foot and the big alien eyes and also a different-looking mouth and nose. All these things give her the look of an alien.

But her family loves her all the same. “I honestly was happy when she never [grew into them] because I love animals with quirks. I think they make her all the more adorable,” Ibanez told.

“People are usually shocked when I show her to them. Usually, people laugh a lot.”

Even today, Jinx has this weirdness in her features.INSTAGRAM/BIGFOOTJINX

Contrary to what most people might think, Ibanez loves to introduce Jinx to people.

She loves the way she makes them all so happy. Everyone who has met her absolutely adores her and this brings so much comfort to her family that people are so accepting of her.

Contrary to what most people might think, Ibanez loves to introduce Jinx to people. INSTAGRAM/BIGFOOTJINX

Despite her unique features, Jinx is like any other cat who loves playing and following around her family members.

She enjoys her own space and tries to act like a human, too. Unaware of her uniqueness, she is perfect for her family.

Despite her unique features, Jinx is like any other cat who loves playing and following around her family members.INSTAGRAM/BIGFOOTJINX