The etiquette for dog owners seems pretty standard and straightforward. Don’t let your dog bark at all hours of the night, be sure to keep them leashed when out for a neighborhood walk, only let them greet a stranger or a stranger's dog if the stranger wants them to, and be sure to scoop their poop.
Basically, it all boils down to common decency. Don’t let your dog negatively impact someone's day.
But what happens if you do follow all the expected “rules” of dog ownership and still upset someone? A woman recently came across an unexpected encounter while walking her dog in their new neighborhood and was left feeling conflicted about her actions.
Redditor Juniper2020 turned to the famous r/AITA community to put her interaction up for judgment. She explains that she used to live near a park where they would regularly take their dog for walks, but they had moved to a new neighborhood that was not close to a park anymore.
While walking around their new neighborhood, her pup picked a spot in a side yard to take a poo on some pine straw. She dutifully bagged up her dog's waste and that’s all she thought of it until the neighbor who lived there came out.
The neighbor asked her to keep her dog from using his lawn in the future. OP says that even after she politely pointed out that she picked up after her dog, her neighbor “didn’t seem to think that mattered much.”
Confused by the interaction, she turned to Reddit to clarify anything she may have missed. Keep scrolling to read the responses and to see how she was judged.
OP turned to r/AITA to see if she was in the wrong.
She had assumed that picking up after her pup was more than enough to be considerate, so naturally, she was confused by her neighbor asking her not to let her dog use his lawn for a potty.
Literally no one is the a-hole for this specific situation, she didn't know it was an issue until he told her, and he's within his rights to decide what he wants on his lawn
What do you think, do you agree with the community’s rating of No A-holes Here for Juniper2020’s situation? Was OP in the wrong, was her neighbor being overly sensitive, are they both jerks, or are neither in the wrong?
I personally would have thought that picking up my dog's waste was the extent of my responsibility while walking my dog. But if someone were to ask me to avoid letting them use their lawn, it wouldn’t be any issue to walk away from there.