Adult Problems That Literally Nobody Prepared You For
Sometimes people love to tell us about all things being an adult, but it seems that some people have left things out.
- Published in Interesting
Being an adult is an exciting but stressful time especially when you are just at the beginning of adulthood. Adulthood isn't all about getting your credit right, paying bills, and making grocery lists though.
Adulthood contains so many more things that people just don't really talk about or don't give advice for. Adulthood can be hard especially because you're mostly on your own to deal with things that come your way.
Our parents try so hard to prepare us for the adult life ahead by teaching us lessons and showing us tricks on how to manage time, but it seems that they missed some information. Reddit comes in handy again with another thread that will help a lot of us out.
"What is an adult problem that nobody prepared you for?" was a question asked on Reddit that got a lot of different responses and it really showed people just how much they had to prepare themselves for this stuff. Parents, take notes on some new information you can pass along to your kids to prepare them for the adult world.
These are 40 adult problems and things that literally nobody prepared us for and now we are navigating it ourselves to just winging it.
1. This is such an unrealistic view of how things will supposedly go.
K4YL13N2. Getting older can cause a lot of thought to surface.
thirtiesmatt3. Not every adult acts like an adult.
Super-Progress-63864. This is a common feeling among adults.
"Being an adult feels extremely lonely"
Bluebloop05. This is so common.
"Lack of purpose. All your young life you are given purpose of passing exams and learning, then all of a sudden you are thrown into the world and told to find your own meaning."
Captain_Snow6. No one really talks about how aging feels.
Jaycatt7. Always!
"The kitchen is always dirty. You’ll clean it at least three times every day."
cewnc8. The pressure from others is inevitable.
"Figuring out what makes you happy. Everyone keeps trying to get you to do things you're good at, or that makes you money, but never to pursue what you enjoy"
eternalwanderer59. Some of us were prepared for this one.
"How d*mned tired you are all the time."
chickenofalltrades10. The death of loved ones will always be difficult.
"Handling the decline and death of your parents"
Agave66611. Everything needs to be maintained by you.
"Life is all about maintenance. Your body, your house, your relationships, everything requires constant never ending maintenance."
IHateEditedBgMusic12. Normalizing healthy "fighting."
PMYOURBOOBOVERFLOW13. You really shouldn't and you probably won't want to.
"You can stay up as late as you want. But you shouldn't"
geek_fit14. The systems are not here to help anyone but themselves.
hercarmstrong15. Nobody can even attempt to prepare you for that.
legenducky16. This is something people don't talk about enough.
"Having to make dinner every. F***ing. Day."
EndlesslyUnfinished17. Adults aren't always adults.
billiemarie18. We live to work.
"Working full time, but still not being able to afford the basic necessities of life."
Liam_Tang19. Mental health is important. Don't forget that.
"Without a support system, your mental illnesses alone can render you homeless."
Ok_Sheepherder_831320. Mental health is no joke.
"How prevalent depression, anxiety, and suicide ideation is. At this point I think every adult has been through it at some point in their lives."
ojazela21. The amount of neck pain that we experience can't be normal.
Retrosonic8222. Remember, you have control of your life.
"How easy it is to feel stuck in a bad situation (job, relationship, etc) just because the cost and effort of getting out can seem daunting. And sometimes you just have to accept a figurative bowl full of s**t because you can't afford to blow up your life."
movieguy9545323. Money and how it stands in terms of value.
"$5K is a lot to owe, but not a lot to have."
Upper-Job513024. Movies and TV shows will soon all blend together.
busyB_8325. Adults indeed do not have it together.
ShorterByTheSecond26. There's always more to do.
"Adult life being basically a permanent to-do list that just keeps on getting bigger and bigger"
madkeepz27. This is the one.
"Finding purpose and dealing with childhood trauma."
MisTeri67828. I'm convinced everyone has imposter syndrome.
Successful_Chip393029. There is little to no free time.
"Not having a lot of free-time or time by myself."
detective_kiara30. Nobody talks about the personal struggles you'll endure in your close family.
"Daughter with behavioral and mental issues. Then she got pregnant at 16.
It was a roller coaster ride…very trying and about kicked my [butt]. My husband had esophageal cancer and then 9 years later had 14 brain lesions.
Both times his survival rate was low, but he’s still here. Feel like I’ve been in survival mode for years and years. I’m kinda tired now."
Sharonanana31. You have to clean so much.
ljam1632. The secrets of adulthood are that we have no idea what we are doing and we just wing it.
Yoluun33. Everyone can live their life how they please.
"Being asked why I'm single and have no kids like I'm some sort of alien."
thefanhit34. It's funny how many people do this and we swear it works.
"That turning down the radio, when you are lost in a neighborhood helps you see better."
Garysgirl1735. Networking and finding jobs is difficult no matter what.
TPrice161636. People need to talk about how common it is to lose friends.
"Almost all of your friends wont be life long. No one really talks about how common it is to lose touch with people or grow apart.
Most of your life will be spent either making new friends while losing old ones or being alone."
Emotional_Tale104437. This is so common among adults.
"Getting burnt out"
OddRumskie38. Life starts flying by as you get older.
"The more life you’ve lived, the faster time seems to go."
FadedQuill39. Workplace politics are a no.
Steve_LobsenSome of these adult problems can't really be prepared for, like losing someone or dealing with medical issues that involve close friends and family. Adulthood is hard.
Adults don't have everything together, they're just winging it and it's not all rainbows and butterflies once you turn 18. Things just aren't how we all thought they would be.
Being an adult is amazing, but there are inevitably some bad parts about it.