50 Adorable Photos Of Really Teeny, Tiny Kittens That Are Sure To Brighten Your Day
Prepare yourself for an adorable dose of "illegally smol" cats found in this heaven-sent subreddit thread!

Cats are easily one of the most meme-able things in this Internet age, and for all the right reasons. These felines are truly adorable and experts in capturing our hearts—but tiny, tiny kittens sure do have that unexplained magic that immediately brightens up our day no matter how bad it's going so far.
They say too much love will kill you, and too much cuteness may, too! Well, with these series of pictures, who won't cave in to this cuteness overload?
If you ever find yourself seeking a reason to be happy, then there's just the perfect subreddit for you. Tagged under IllegallySmolCats, this thread is sure to lure you in and make you feel entranced even for a few hours that it's almost indeed illegal!
Whether you are a cat or a dog person, you can't certainly turn down these small faces without melting into a puddle of wholesome goo. Kittens really have a special place in us humans, and that comes with no question.
Fair warning. You are about to encounter 50 of these hauntingly sweet things so do proceed with caution.
Check out these illegally smol kittens shared by strangers all around the world, and see which one captures your heart first!
1. The kind of clingy stuff we all want (and need).

2. If this midget asks you for food, you will have no power to say no.

3. Awww, look at this kitty saying I love you to her mommy!

4. Baby humans? No, baby cats!

5. This adorable kitten named Butter is silently judging you.

6. The most perfect symmetrical example there is.

7. Smol and fuzzy.

8. Kitten on a mask cradle = a pandemic cure.

9. Spot Percy the kitten!

10. Light as a cotton!

11. Adorable Doodle Bug!

12. Orphaned George enjoying his now forever home.

13. Who says black cats are bad omen? Look at it!

14. Sock-lover Philip strikes again.

15. She's about two sauce packets in size.

16. A kitten sandwich! Too adorable to eat, anyway.

17. Grumpy roommate who only waits for food.

18. Went hunting, brought back a new family member.

19. Foster cat in dire need of a name!

20. Sneaky kitten.

21. Newborn kittens are truly a gift.

22. Throw the sheets, a keyboard is all it takes.

23. You can pinch both!

24. Saved kitten who steals hearts.

25. A birthday crasher who had the audacity to fall asleep on the table.

26. 6-week-old troublemaker.

27. The perfect fit on the palm of your hand.

28. Welp, this kitten is prettier than most people!

29. Girlfriend stealer.

30. Smitten by a smol kitten.

31. Thriving at 193 grams.

32. Have you ever seen a kitty sleeping face down? Well...

33. Ralf stealing everyone's personal space, again.

34. If smiles could kill!

35. Little criminal.

36. Four times the trouble, four times the fun!

37. Smol head rubs!

38. Gizmo vs a banana.

39. A photoshoot? Alright.

40. Two-week-old Higgins snuggling in.

41. What's better than a kitten? A sleeping kitten!

42. Another sleeping fluff!

43. Angela's quite confused here.

44. A spayed sausage roll.

45. They look like a boy band cover.

46. Those eyes!

47. Cozy corner.

48. Smol but terrible!

49. Fresh out the womb.

50. An illegally smol white cat. So enchanting.

Kittens, kittens, kittens. What a wonderful world it is to be blessed with their presence.
One way or another, no matter what color they may be, they are all adorable in their own little quirky ways. Just the perfect companion.
Comment down your favorite one, or share this with your friends and family to brighten up their day!