This Guy Tells An Adorable Story About A Young Man Struggling With The Price Of A Fancy Restaurant
This will warm your cold, dead heart.
- Published in Interesting
I love love. It really is beautiful being in that initial, young, fresh part of a relationship. Where you know that you are both into each other and you start letting your self think about a future together.
That feeling of excitement at every text message, Facebook mention or chance to hang out. It really is beautiful. This guy was sitting in a restaurant enjoying dinner when he witnessed this phenomenon happening in real time and it made his heart swell.
A young man had taken his love out for dinner to a fancy restaurant as a gesture of his undying love and when they both saw the prices he held fast, despite clearly being terrified.
FlickrThe beginning.
What a gentleman.
Chivalry isn't dead!
Young lovers enjoying some beef.
The bill is adding up in his head.
The guy's just trying not to make a scene.
Letting the girls know immediately.
Overstayed his welcome and awkwardly staring at a young couple...
Free champagne!
The waiter is a legend!
I know this feeling!
What a lovely story!
TwitterLove conquers all! Even an empty bank account! Here's what a few people posted about this story.