15 Completely Adorable Stories That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity

Not all news stories are bad. There are still some good, wholesome and heartwarming stories out there.

15 Completely Adorable Stories That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity

Sometimes we just need to hear some good news, and unfortunately, nowadays there just isn't a lot of it being reported. When we switch on the nightly news we are bombarded with stories of sadness and tragedy.

It can become heavy and weigh us down over time, and if you're anything like me, you do your best to avoid it. But not all news stories are bad. There are still some good, wholesome and heartwarming stories out there, and those are the ones we want to focus on today.

So, sit back, relax and scroll down to read through some truly lovely stories that will warm your heart and help to restore your faith in humanity.

#1 Wow!

#1 Wow!

#2 I Wonder How Many Stars He Got

#2 I Wonder How Many Stars He Got

#3 Just For Her

#3 Just For Her

#4 Those Are Some Good Parents

#4 Those Are Some Good Parents

#5 Pure Joy

#5 Pure Joy

#6 Aww

#6 Aww

#7 Happiness

#7 Happiness

#8 True Kindness

#8 True Kindness

#9 I'm Not Crying, You Are

#9 I'm Not Crying, You Are

#10 That's a Good Human

#10 That's a Good Human

#11 Oh, Thanks!

#11 Oh, Thanks!

#12 Adorable

#12 Adorable

#13 So Cool

#13 So Cool

#14 If This Isn't Love, I Don't Know What Is

#14 If This Isn't Love, I Don't Know What Is

#15 Today Is a Good Day!

#15 Today Is a Good Day!