Adorably Shaggy Dog Assigns Himself A Job After Getting "Arrested" And Taken To The Station

Tate wasn't issued a badge but "having him with us was perfect."

Adorably Shaggy Dog Assigns Himself A Job After Getting "Arrested" And Taken To The Station

There’s a saying "if you can't beat them, join them" and there are people who abide by this rule to the latter. Not just people, but animals as well.

To be precise, it’s dogs, and they really mean business when they join the "them," no matter who or what they might be. But then, it’s not every day we hear stories of an animal walking majestically into a police station.

The adorable and shaggy dog in today’s story can be referred to as the come-what-may mantra who was kind of arrested by the police in Wisconsin. The dog’s name is Tate, and one would wonder what this cutie must have done to warrant an arrest.

Well, the answer is not farfetched when you think about it. But because we don’t want you to worry your pretty head about that, we’ll feed you in on all the juicy details.

Tate was found wandering about the Wisconsin town of Chippewa Falls with practically no owner in sight. A good samaritan happened to spot him and chose to alert the police, and in a little while, Tate was "arrested" and taken back to the police station.

We know this may be a stressful situation for your typical scofflaw little pup, but not in Tate’s case. To say that he was so relaxed while walking majestically into the station would be an understatement.

A Chippewa Falls police spokesperson even said that Tate fit in quite well.

This adorably shaggy dog was hauled in by the police in Wisconsin

This adorably shaggy dog was hauled in by the police in WisconsinCHIPPEWA FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT

The police attempted to find his owner, and Tate decided to assign himself a task at the station, which was that of a greeter. He jumped up to the window for visitors and made himself available for any available duty.

The dog, named Tate, had been found wandering about the Wisconsin town of Chippewa Falls

The dog, named Tate, had been found wandering about the Wisconsin town of Chippewa FallsCHIPPEWA FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT

The spokesperson found the scenario very funny and entertaining. In the end, Tate wasn't issued a badge, but not to worry as he got a lot of pets.

A Good Samaritan decided to alert the cops, and before long, Tate was “arrested”

A Good Samaritan decided to alert the cops, and before long, Tate was “arrested”CHIPPEWA FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT

The spokesperson said that they "all love having the dogs stop by so we can give them some water, treats, and, of course, some back rubs!" Notwithstanding Tate's clear eagerness to join the police force, it wasn't meant to be that way in the end.

Hopping up to the visitor window, he made himself available for any duty

Hopping up to the visitor window, he made himself available for any dutyCHIPPEWA FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT

Don’t worry, all the news isn’t awful as the spokesperson announced that the lovely dog was finally returned to his owner, maybe with a hint of yearning for their one-time co-worker. "Having him with us was perfect," the spokesperson added, and we couldn’t agree more.


Tate wasn’t given a badge, of course, but he did get plenty of pets

Tate wasn’t given a badge, of course, but he did get plenty of petsCHIPPEWA FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT

It’s no secret that having a dog as a pet is one of the most rewarding things on earth. Tate’s owner must have searched for him everywhere because a smart and lively dog like this is truly a treasure.

Did this adorable dog put a smile on your face? Then, make sure to share this post with your dog-loving family and friends. 
