51 Adorable Photos Of Bulldogs Show How Friendly And Lovely This Peculiar Breed Of Dog Truly Is

Bulldogs are considered one of the friendliest breeds of dogs.

  • Published in Animals
51 Adorable Photos Of Bulldogs Show How Friendly And Lovely This Peculiar Breed Of Dog Truly Is

Bulldogs are medium-sized dogs. They easily adjust to any circumstances that make them convenient to live in a house or an apartment.

They are pups that are relatively easy to keep and take care of. They develop an attachment to all family members.

Bulldogs are really gentle buddies who also love kids. But don't expect them to run with the kids all day long in your yard or a park.

They innately love to play, but their laziness is greater than their desire to play. That's the reason why you have to make sure they have enough exercise.

Bulldogs are already unexpectedly heavy for their size, and they tend to gain weight very quickly. If it's up to them, they could lay on the couch all day and get up only when it's time to eat, so they could continue to lie in full.

As we already said, their laziness is immense, but cuteness is even larger. Bulldogs are muscular and wide-body dogs, but their irresistible appearance is more noticeable by adorable dense wrinkles on their foreheads.

Their temperament is very friendly, and they are considered one of the kindest and sweetest dogs. Despite all stereotypes, bulldogs have warm nature and they possess a lavish love for people.

In order to show you their amiable disposition, we have gathered a lovely collection of pets bulldogs.

1. "My brothers French Bulldog chilling"

1. SLabrys

2. Can you notice the difference?

2. Can you notice the difference?reddit.com

3. "This is Milo, a narcoleptic bulldog who is too precious for this world"

3. xaeminn

4. "Did not eat my small friend"

4. mochi.the.sd.frenchie

5. "This French bulldog and her French fries"

5. j3ffr33d0m

6. "Now this is the perfect spot"

6. bella_thebulldog_

7. "French bulldogs seem to be getting all the love, but brits can be cute too"

7. ZobeWan

8. "My French bulldog kept interrupting our outdoor movie night. I give you Batdog"

8. Wowsuchcreativename

9. "When Ravioli saw his pups for the first time"

9. figuringout25

10. "AirBnb host called to ask if I minded sharing the apartment with 9 French bulldog puppies"

10. G65Mondo

11. "Just playing"

11. vinkulelu

12. "This bulldog loves watching the street through a hole, so his owners paint costumes on the fence"

12. Ranveig Bjørklid Levinsen

13. "5 minute old French bulldog puppy"

13. reallyhighallthetime

14. "Old English bulldog named Hugo Burrito"

14. LewkC

15. "Just so we're all fully aware that sir Frederick has not stopped doing this every single night"

15. reddit.com

16. "This cute bulldog puppy"

16. willowsdad17

17. "My buddy's bulldog Wendell loves belly scratches"

17. LifelessOne

18. "I'm not clumsy, I just look like that."

18. frenchiesfeature

19. "Rescue fox and a bulldog become inseparable and form a real-life “the fox and the hound” friendship"

19. Pauline Ashanolla

20. "Boss made me come in on a Saturday"

20. sorrysalesman

21. "Little boy loves his tiny bulldog"

21. Barbara_Linda

22. "The heartwarming friendship of a little girl and her English bulldog"

22. Rebecca Leimbach

23. "So my bulldog seems to be pretty proud of his son"


24. "Cute bulldog in unicorn costume"

24. OurBulldogs

25. "Spotted this cutie at the grocery store"

25. freckledfrida

26. "Single greatest pic I’ve ever taken of moose"

26. MilkyPirate2

27. "Bulldog buffet"

27. cheesecrystal

28. "An English bulldog looking through a cat door"

28. anewhigh

29. "Are you lookin' at me?"

29. AdamE89

30. "All I want to do is play with the kids in my building but due to covid-19, I can't. I just watch them from the patio. Flatten the curve, please"

30. popthebulldog

31. "The timeless art of seduction"

31. kodename

32. Hi human

32. Hi humanbm96

33. "Was freaking out because I couldn't find my new kitten anywhere. Finally found him a few minutes later under the stairs, cuddled up with my giant bulldog"

33. katyrose_

34. "English bulldog puppy needed a nap"

34. theone1221

35. "Take your daughter to work day"

35. usom

36. "Thought I’d introduce you all to my handsome boy, Chubbs! He’s a 5-year-old English bulldog and I hope he makes your day as much as he makes mine"

36. BulldogLover02

37. "Cinnamon roll thighs"

37. bulldog_ingles12

38. Yoga buddy

38. Yoga buddyzzyx

39. "I like ice cream too"

39. reddit.com

40. "Please keep your bulldog at room temperature"

40. Boojibs

41. "Meet Walter – an English bulldog who likes to sit like a human in his favorite chair"

41. Marjorie

42. "My old English bulldog puppy Hœnir"

42. Mad_Mapper

43. "Y’all ever seen a fluffy Frenchie before"

43. lashkweentx

44. "My French bulldog napoleon. The vet said he wouldn’t live to see 7. He made it to 15. Forever a good dog"

44. el_hopo

45. "Blue Merle French bulldog"

45. ThinMinh

46. "My sister got the perfect picture of her bulldogs playing tug of war"

46. dickweeden

47. "Back during my morning commute I spotted this lovely derp"

47. thetinycatt

48. "My co-pilot can nap anywhere"

48. BradleyFriesen

49. "Grandma got a new French bulldog puppy"

49. ThisSpartanWill

50. "This is how my dog is sleeping right now"

50. Carbman

51. "Adopted a French bulldog so my husky could have a playmate"

51. dmilesai

Do these cute photos of bulldogs succeed in their intention to make you see this breed of dogs like they truly are, friendly and happy ones, or at least to bring a nice smile to your face? If you have friends who think bulldogs are aggressive dogs, share this post with them and prove them wrong.
