10+ Adorable Babies Who look EXACTLY Like Some Celebrities
They could be their doubles.

A Twitter user who goes by the username MrMenziN tweeted a picture of his baby last year with the caption "Explain fam @johnlegend", and the thing that made so many people fall in love with this Tweet is the fact that this person's baby looks exactly like John Legend. He looks so much like him that John Legend himself might suspect that it's his actual baby.
After that, a lot of people started tweeting about their celebrity look-alike babies and everyone completely freaked out and loved this concept a lot! Here are a couple of cute babies who looks exactly like some celebs!
1. John Legend

2. Cameron Tucker from Modern Family

3. Gordon Ramsay

4. Phillip Seymore Hoffman

5. Mr. Clean

6. Terry Richardson.

7. Jack Jack from The Incredibles.

8. The Olsen Twins

9. Conan O'Brien

10. The Olsen Twins

11. Eleven from Stranger Things!

12. Just like a mobster

13. Ace Ventura in Pet Detective

14. Salt Bae
