Make Your Day Extra Brighter With These 15 Adorable Animal Posts Shared By The Good Folks Of Reddit

Boost your mood by looking at these cute pictures and videos of animals.

  • Published in Animals
Make Your Day Extra Brighter With These 15 Adorable Animal Posts Shared By The Good Folks Of Reddit

Why do animals make us humans happy? It’s a question that has long puzzled scientists and researchers, but a growing body of evidence suggests that animals make us happy in more ways than we realize.

From reducing stress levels to boosting our moods, interacting with pets and other animals can have a significant impact on our overall well-being. There are many reasons why animals make us happy.

For one, they’re a great distraction from the stresses of daily life. A study by the University of Missouri found that people who own pets have lower levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline in their system, which can lead to better mental health overall.

In addition, animals can help us feel more connected to the world around us. In a study by the University of Cambridge, it was discovered that people who interact with animals have stronger social networks and feel more connected to their communities.

This can be especially beneficial for seniors or those who live alone, as it can help them feel more connected and supported. They’re fun to be around, and they can brighten up our day just by being there.

If you don't have pets or you cannot afford to have one but you love animals, this post is for you. We've compiled 15 cute animal pictures and videos that will surely make you smile.

This is a branch manager and an assistant branch manager. Aren't they great at their jobs?

This is a branch manager and an assistant branch manager. Aren't they great at their jobs?u/upvoter222

The shock you experience when you see someone enjoying your food. This bird is such a mood.

The shock you experience when you see someone enjoying your food. This bird is such a mood.u/Scaulbylausis

This is the bee hummingbird. If you're not aware, Google it and you'll find out that it's the smallest bird in the world.

This is the bee hummingbird. If you're not aware, Google it and you'll find out that it's the smallest bird in the world.u/PRIC3L3SS1

Warm greetings from Marshmallow and Bean.

Warm greetings from Marshmallow and Bean.u/noodleisacat / @cowsofnewzealand (IG)

Hen approaches this guy to get a hug and gets it.

This cat is in love with the deer.

A baby rhino who loves getting brushed.

This rabbit wins the internet for its cuteness.

What do you call a cat who flies? An owl.

Redditor sees this many turtles for the first time.

Redditor sees this many turtles for the first time.u/quitechalk52

It's cold and these ducklings are cuddling.

It's cold and these ducklings are cuddling.u/cocaineandcakepops

These Florida Sandhills just had new babies.

These Florida Sandhills just had new babies.u/jan0325

A redditor saw a small sea otter pup just outside their Alaska floathouse window.

A redditor saw a small sea otter pup just outside their Alaska floathouse window. u/Metridia

Renion between a deafblind dog and the owner's dad.

My dad was worried my deafblind dog wouldn’t recognize him after a year of quarantine but I think she did.

Dogs never forget their owners. Even if they're blind, they would recognize them by smell.

Renion between a deafblind dog and the owner's dad.u/haydenkristal

"Hello human! This is my baby, by the way."

Do you see the mother cow's excitement? She wants to show her human that she now has a good and beautiful baby.

Animals are hands down a blessing to humankind.

Who can resist a puppy dog face or a little kitten? When we see an adorable animal, it makes us happy for some unknown reason.

Scientists believe that this is because when we look at something cute, our brains release dopamine, which is a hormone that makes us feel good. So the next time you see an adorable animal, take a few minutes to appreciate its cuteness.

You may just find yourself feeling a little bit happier! Share the happiness with your friends and family by telling them about this post too!
