Hilarious Cat Accidentally 'Dyed' Herself Black And Definitely Has Some Regrets

Typical cat, not so typical situation.

  • Published in Animals
Hilarious Cat Accidentally 'Dyed' Herself Black And Definitely Has Some Regrets

If you've ever been blessed enough to be the caretaker for even one cat in your lifetime then you know just as well any any other cat fanatic in the world that it's not uncommon for a cat's personality to revolve around, well, itself. The center of attention, even when they aren't wanting attention (typical cat logic.)

Cami is a cat much like other cats in that very respect. In an interview with The Dodo, Cami's mom, Rachel, said: "Her personality is, how would I say, dramatic. She needs to be the center of attention all the time.” 

Yep, that definitely sounds like a cat! Yet, Cami found her typical self in a not so typical situation recently and is probably feeling a dose of embarrassment and regret because of it.

Now, Rachel did imply that if there's a chance for Cami to cause trouble, that's what she'll be doing, but some things you still cannot anticipate.

For example, the day Cami's dad was cleaning out the furnace and things just weren't going smoothly. I'm sure all of us have experienced an ordinary task not going as planned and can remember immediately the sense of frustration that comes with such a thing. What did Cami do? She made things worse.

Now, Rachel did imply that if there's a chance for Cami to cause trouble, that's what she'll be doing, but some things you still cannot anticipate. Rachel Roy

Rachel told The Dodo:

“My husband was cleaning the furnace and our shop vac backed up and everything that was in it decided to go on the basement floor. Cami saw the perfect opportunity to have some fun I guess.”

As soon as Cami's struggling dad wasn't looking, Cami took it upon herself to roll around in all the mess. ALL of it. Look at this smug, smoot-free, face, this is the face of a cat who doesn't think of consequences.

Rachel told The Dodo:Rachel Roy

Now here's Cami, post self-soot-bath... covered in soot. What did Cami do after rolling in all the soot? Naturally, she strolled on upstaris.

Rachel found herself doing a literal double take, she didn't have a black cat... and while sometimes cats invite themselves into someone's home, this cat resembled Cami... and she of course realized the once white and calico kitty was now quite black, almost completely so!

What can you do in a situation like this? Rachel laughed, as many of us would, too.

“She just came up rolled around and meowed like she always does, she honestly had no care in the world,” Rachel said

Now here's Cami, post self-soot-bath... covered in soot. What did Cami do after rolling in all the soot? Naturally, she strolled on upstaris.Rachel Roy

Covered in soot from nose to tip of tail, Cami was unbothered. That is until bath time.

This level of dirt disaster was not one a cat tongue could undo and Cami earned herself a proper bath, for which she realized the enormity of her playful mistake.

“She is not one for the bath, she was displeased as we took her for her walk of shame to the bathtub. She's a little overweight so she can't jump out of the tub but boy did she try!” 

Funny enough, a single bath didn't even do the trick for the soot-coated cat. Actually, after several baths she still had soot lingering. Rachel said:

“She still has a grey/silver look to her but she's cute and she knows it."

Covered in soot from nose to tip of tail, Cami was unbothered. That is until bath time.Rachel Roy