40 Absurd And Amusing Illustrations Unveiling The Literal Meanings Of Words And Word Combinations

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40 Absurd And Amusing Illustrations Unveiling The Literal Meanings Of Words And Word Combinations

Meet Nadia Tolstoy, the Stockholm-based illustrator and cartoonist who has taken the world of social media by storm. With her "mildly amusing doodles" that are both surreal and frequently silly, she has managed to capture the attention of many. Nadia's unique artistic creations combine different elements to represent a single word, resulting in absurd and amusing visuals that challenge the way we perceive language.

"I'm a Swedish mother (yes, despite the "dad" humor) of two who grew up in a small French village where I felt I never quite fit in. My mother is a Tarot-reading Buddhist, and my father was a Russian aristocrat. When we moved to London, I learned to worship tea and the English language. How do I like my tea? Warm and bitter but surprisingly nice, just like myself.
After a BA in Product Design and ten years in the UK, I moved back to Stockholm to work as an interior designer. And now, on my Instagram account, it's my mission to make the world a little sillier, one ridiculous pun at a time.
As I mentioned earlier, I love the amazing possibilities that the English language offers to word nerds like me. I do sometimes worry that I'll run out of puns, and then I remember that there are an estimated 170,000 words currently in use in the English language. So I should be all right. At least for a coming couple of years…"

1. Goose bumps

1. Goose bumpsSurrealians
"The idea of doodling came to me while recovering from a cold. It was a happy accident that I discovered this style of cartooning, and therefore it is pure play for me. In this space, I can be playful and joyful, and I don't worry too much about making flawless illustrations. I share doodles and puns simply because they make me smile.
My family background is a mixed bag, so I have developed a pared-down and graphic style that is very clear and direct, accessible to everyone. At least everyone who speaks (some) English."

2. Knight owl

2. Knight owlSurrealians

3. Sleeping pill

3. Sleeping pillSurrealians
"Playfulness is something I've rediscovered thanks to this Instagram account. It's always been important in my work and in my life, but it got shoved aside when I was too busy adulting. I think all humans are playful in childhood, but growing up, it's hard to hold onto your playfulness when life becomes chock-full of adult responsibilities.
What I do now is I try to just draw in my sketchbook regularly without the pressure of posting anything, just for fun. I think perfectionism can easily kill creativity, so it's crucial to find a form for being creative that is SO small that the monster that is perfectionism isn't alerted to what you do. I call it The Smallest Thing. As in, what's the smallest thing I can do creatively to get me going."

4. Eye shadow

4. Eye shadowSurrealians

5. Pepper spray

5. Pepper spraySurrealians

"My various creative pursuits as an interior architect, writer, and illustrator are sometimes difficult to balance with my personal life because there simply aren't enough hours in the day. But they do inspire each other quite often because life is full of serendipity, and even an everyday situation can trigger an idea for a doodle or an illustrated story.

Inversely, I'm now introducing my doodles in my work as an interior architect, and (it's not all decided yet) I'm hoping to do a mural with my black and white doodles on the interior wall of a project soon."

6. Super glue

6. Super glueSurrealians

7. Butt-erfly

7. Butt-erflySurrealians
"I have a passion for the English language and wordplay, but funnily enough, the people whose work I admire use words quite sparingly (if at all). I love the cartoonists Saul Steinberg and Sempé and also the writer and illustrator Edward Gorey. And of course, the Japanese graphic designer Shigeo Fukuda, the tattooist Michele Volpi, and the songwriting of Amy Winehouse and Leonard Cohen. And there are so many. I'll have to come back and add to the list!"

8. Cereal killer

8. Cereal killerSurrealians

9. Coconut milk

9. Coconut milkSurrealians

10. Sweat pants

10. Sweat pantsSurrealians

11. Kit-tea

11. Kit-teaSurrealians

12. USBee

12. USBeeSurrealians

13. Star fish

13. Star fishSurrealians

14. Bottle cap

14. Bottle capSurrealians

15. Clown fish

15. Clown fishSurrealians

16. Fish fingers

16. Fish fingersSurrealians

17. Buffalo bill

17. Buffalo billSurrealians

18. Fire crackers

18. Fire crackersSurrealians

19. Peanut butter cup

19. Peanut butter cupSurrealians

20. Key board

20. Key boardSurrealians

21. Straight face

21. Straight faceSurrealians

22. Squeaky clean

22. Squeaky cleanSurrealians

23. Carry all

23. Carry allSurrealians

24. Alley cats

24. Alley catsSurrealians

25. Sharp dresser

25. Sharp dresserSurrealians

26. Egg-cercise

26. Egg-cerciseSurrealians

27. Milk man

27. Milk manSurrealians

29. Belly laugh

29. Belly laughSurrealians

30. Looking sharp

30. Looking sharpSurrealians

31. Fruit cake

31. Fruit cakeSurrealians

32. Sharp cheese

32. Sharp cheeseSurrealians

33. Snow white

33. Snow whiteSurrealians

34. Water shed

34. Water shedSurrealians

35. It sucks

35. It sucksSurrealians

36. Knight shift

36. Knight shiftSurrealians

37. Hare

37. HareSurrealians

38. U-kelele

38. U-keleleSurrealians

40. Green fingers

40. Green fingersSurrealians

41. Sticky

41. StickySurrealians

42. Straight jacket

42. Straight jacketSurrealians

It comes as no surprise that Nadia's work has garnered significant attention. Her illustrations offer a delightful and imaginative perspective on words, while her unwavering commitment to nurturing curiosity and playfulness serves as an inspiration to us all.

Prepare to be captivated by Nadia Tolstoy's extraordinary talent and embrace the whimsical world she has created.
