Photoshop Fails: 50 Hilarious "Best Of" The Worst Photoshop Attempts

You won't believe your eyes

  • Published in Funny
Photoshop Fails: 50 Hilarious "Best Of" The Worst Photoshop Attempts

I feel like it’s safe to assume you’ve seen your fair share of Photoshopped photos in your own personal use of the internet. With how wildly prevalent Photoshop (even if it’s not the actual program) has become today, anyone with a smartphone and some handy apps, nearly every photo we see has had some sort of editing.

With the rise of amateur photo editors, there has been a correlating rise of photos that look… not quite right. Whether it’s a wonky background, or someone’s body (or body parts) look unrealistically small/large or oddly shaped, there is an endless collection of photo editing gone wrong.

If you’re one of these amateur photo editors and you want to really up your game to make some really convincing images, maybe take an online course about Photoshop. After all, there’s only so much we can learn just by trial and error.

But, in honor of the amusement we get from the bungled Photoshop attempts, a subreddit was created for everyone to enjoy. r/PhotoshopFails  has a whopping 24k members and growing, who gather to share and view some of the best Photoshop fails they come across.

We collected 50 of the most obvious, atrocious, and hilarious Photoshop fails to share with you today. Keep scrolling to see what we got!

1. These realtors really tried their best giving the tree some leaves

1. These realtors really tried their best giving the tree some leavessarazamia

2. Click bait at the bottom of a legitimate news article. Totally real bridge with totally real cars...

2. Click bait at the bottom of a legitimate news article. Totally real bridge with totally real cars...Sydeburnn

3. Photoshop fail, after Tunisian minister shows too much leg .

3. Photoshop fail, after Tunisian minister shows too much leg .azizfcb

4. Oh Well

4. Oh WellKKaena

5. Seems legit

5. Seems legithannahkp10

6. Right arm? White triangle between thighs? Then they want me to SH!+ myself?!!! Do better, VS

6. Right arm? White triangle between thighs? Then they want me to SH!+ myself?!!! Do better, VSAshleym527

7. Photoshop fail, unless this is a whole new yoga

7. Photoshop fail, unless this is a whole new yogatribelawn

8. "Look at those amazing eyes! They're Mesmerizing!"

8. ThrowPopcornAtMyFace

9. Looking for face covers on Amazon...

9. Looking for face covers on Amazon...F21lva

10. I spit out my drink

10. I spit out my drinkholluu

11. Living the hourglass life

11. Living the hourglass lifelyla88

12. What’s going on with her leg?

12. What’s going on with her leg?Starfang156

13. All those faces...

13. All those faces...jessiegay

14. The product here is the headband. Clearly only cool guys wear it. (found on Amazon)

14. The product here is the headband. Clearly only cool guys wear it. (found on Amazon)devvyn88

15. I have no words

15. I have no wordsCherry_Yuki

16. This ad for a dog fence, I mean look at the puppy!

16. This ad for a dog fence, I mean look at the puppy!Sovsemor

17. Poor horsie legs

17. Poor horsie legscryptic_slays

18. On an actual manufacturer's website

18. On an actual manufacturer's websiteobeliskgming

19. She made him pregnant

19. She made him pregnantAggravating_Taste821

20. What a comfortable looking totally real mask

20. What a comfortable looking totally real maskdevishjack

21. Those arms and that waist are ridiculous....

21. Those arms and that waist are ridiculous....rotang2240

22. Found this advertising an many hands does she have?

22. Found this advertising an many hands does she have?Scarletrouge7

23. This cat... is wearing makeup?

23. This cat... is wearing makeup?theokcorral

24. Wish I had a dog as real as that..

24. Wish I had a dog as real as that..SyphiListerine

25. Need I say more about this Instagram ad?

25. Need I say more about this Instagram ad?KING__LIGMA

26. thumb looks kinda sus

26. thumb looks kinda susZhorhersi

27. Newspaper trying to look like fair is more popular

27. Newspaper trying to look like fair is more popularCaboosunter

28. I... I don't even know what to say...

28. I... I don't even know what to say...rangerroe

29. I was looking for a cat backpack and found this

29. I was looking for a cat backpack and found thisranger1509

30. Invisible bottom

30. Invisible bottom18protons

31. Found these fluffy table mats on Etsy

31. Found these fluffy table mats on Etsyahatface

32. Umm

32. Ummjadens_pops

33. How did this make onto store’s shelves?

33. How did this make onto store’s shelves?RellimCire

34. TMZ "Composite" fail of Sophie Turner and Jonas new born

34. TMZ seanobeano

35. I have no words...

35. I have no words...magnemist

36. Professional photo editing - The whole page is full of these

36. Professional photo editing - The whole page is full of thesebyrobot

37. Is it me or the dots are being photoshoped?

37. Is it me or the dots are being photoshoped?jottto96

38. This mattress pad will protect your bed from giant disembodied hands that pour old soda onto invisible flat surfaces.

38. This mattress pad will protect your bed from giant disembodied hands that pour old soda onto invisible flat surfaces.Karnakite

39. Anyone else always swim in regular clothes and shoes?

39. Anyone else always swim in regular clothes and shoes?snwiajfnai

40. Legs of an alien

40. Legs of an aliena_fokus

41. Hides your missing chin

41. Hides your missing chinimpressiver

42. My friend just posted this...

42. My friend just posted this...Naaaasty_Kid

43. Photoshop level: 1000!

43. Photoshop level: 1000!hi-man-road

44. Bruh

44. Bruhmwazz57

45. How big is this thing?

45. How big is this thing?GhostalMedia

46. The most magical pair of pants you ever did see

46. The most magical pair of pants you ever did seeThEquinox2

47. Argue all you want but that puppy is wearing that collar

47. Argue all you want but that puppy is wearing that collarbee19900

48. Regular waffle iron magically makes pumpkins

48. Regular waffle iron magically makes pumpkinsmaddog18476

49. Her posture was so bad it made her arms bigger and bent the door behind her

49. Her posture was so bad it made her arms bigger and bent the door behind herLambSauce26

50. Haters will say its photoshop!

50. Haters will say its photoshop!Forgi719

51. And all the kittens clapped for the graphics design skills

51. And all the kittens clapped for the graphics design skillsRacingteamsam

There is something so delightful about catching a Photoshop gone wrong in the wild. And I’m beyond pleased to have a new subreddit to follow.

Which fail from our collection was your favorite? What was the worst Photoshop fail you’ve ever seen?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section, and be sure to share a laugh with a friend by sending them this article.
