29 of the Dumbest Internet Posts Of 2019 That People Really Said
Careful, you may lose brain-cells reading these.

There's pretty much nothing funnier than laughing at people's mistakes, especially when it makes them look really stupid. We all do dumb stuff. Some people worse than others.
What you're about to read however... these kind of set a whole new standard for dumb. In so many ways, technology is awesome, but honestly, this kind of stuff makes me SO freaking happy that social media (especially Twitter) barely existed when I was in my seriously VAPID teen years. So happy.
I cannot imagine every dumb thought I ever had (and expressed) being immortalised forever online... just like these lucky people below. Get the popcorn ready.
1. Naming pets...

2. Are they?

3. Oh dear (not shocked, though).

4. Yeah, they even gave him a second term!

5. Just like Picasso

6. Cooking isn't always easy.... But apparently nor is eating!

7. Community College, surely...

8. Parm - a - shaun....


10. How outrageous....

11. Yikes...


13. It's kinda like Yahoo Search....

14. Ohhhhhhhh

15. "I am so sorry."

16. Oh... I see what you did there.

17. Fidget stick, gear-stick... same same, right?

18. Math is hard, ok.


20. Yeah, we'll see I guess!

21. At least she knows....

22. That's literally the plot of the text.

23. SOoOoOoOo 'anonymous'.

24. Yeah... and your pin, too!

25. I HATE when somebody MAKES me start a fire...

26. Mmmm Roast history chicken sandwiches are my fave.

27. duh! next!


29. Mmmm cow zone ... just like Nonna used to make.
