50 Wholesome Things That Happened Last Year That Are Guaranteed To Restore Your Faith In 2021
It's fair to say that, at this point, we are all in need of some positivity.

2020 was undoubtedly been a year like no other most of us have ever experienced. It's one we will all remember - and not in a good way.
After all, there is a reason why the entire year has essentially become a meme representing disaster. From the devastating bush fires in Australia to the murder of George Floyd to the Coronavirus pandemic, this year has had more than it's fair share of tragedy.
It's fair to say that, at this point, we are all in need of some positivity. And we have just the right amount of wholesome posts to provide precisely that, right here.
Scroll down to have your faith in humanity restored. And don't forget to pass the positive vibes on!
1. Ten Years Ago I Signed Up To Mentor An At-Risk Young Boy. Yesterday I Dropped Him Off At College

2. A Simple Good Morning

3. Rachel Has Been A Nanny For Curtis For Over A Year. When He Realized Her Senior Prom Was Cancelled, He Wanted To Throw One For Her
Complete with her favorite foods, flowers, and dancing, Curtis (and his mom) pulled off the best socially distant prom ever. Thanks, Curtis & Elissa for making my girl smile.

4. Cleft Lip And Cleft Palate, Two Week Surgery

5. A Young Culinary Mastermind

6. We Need More Playgrounds Like This

7. This Legend Carries, Pulls And Pushes His Disabled Twin Around Ironmans And Marathons So They Can Compete Together

8. So Many Cats

9. After Years Of Darkness Today Marks 12 Months Without Drinking. I Never Thought I Could, And I'm Proud Of Myself

10. And Then Everyone Clapped

11. He's A Keeper

12. Child, Who Hit My Father's Car, Had An Old Bike With Broken Brakes, So My Father Bought Him A New Bike. I Am So Proud Of My Father

13. This Athlete, Marios Giannakou, Carried A Disabled Biology Student Named Eleftheria To The Top Of Mount Olympus, Her Dream

14. The Wooden Mast Had To Be Replaced By A Concrete Mast, But The Professionals Preserved The Tucano's House

15. Never Too Late To Start Again

16. Every Voice Helps

17. My Mom Is A Nurse Practitioner And She Has Been On The Front Lines Of A Covid Unit Since March. She Just Got This Shirt. I Haven't Seen Her Light Up Like That In Months

18. Homeless Man Leaves A Donation For Oregon Historical Society After They Got Vandalized During Riots
"Since last night, we have seen new memberships and donations made online to support our work and the clean-up effort — but none have affected me as much as a gift from our neighbor, Oscar. In a note that accompanied a $1 donation, Oscar wrote: “Hello, I’m homeless so I don’t have much to give you, just some of my bottle collecting money. But I saw your windows got broken and wanted to help. You once gave me a free tour before the pandemic, so this is a thank you.” In my time as Executive Director, I have seen OHS receive truly incredible gifts — but this one has touched my heart tremendously."

19. It’s Never Too Late To Start

20. What A Legend

21. I'm So Happy For Her

22. Be More Like Abdul
Back to work today, forgot my pass so locked bike outside Cannon Street station. Left work at 6 pm to find just the cut lock and no bike, resigned to never seeing my trusty stead again asked the station if they have cameras. A guy appeared waving at me, asked me to put the code into my cut lock. He replied ‘I have your bike’ with a smile I will never forget!! His name is Abdul Muneeb and he works for South Eastern Railways, he was on a break and saw a guy bolt cut the lock and challenged him to give it back, he then took it inside and waited 4 hours after his shift finished to personally make sure I got my bike back. The world needs more Abdul’s, he is a legend of a man and a credit to his employer.

23. This Nervous Kid

24. Ridan Al-Mashouly From Sana’a, Yemen Regularly Feeds And Provides Food For A Homeless Special Needs Elderly Man From His Paycheck

25. In Japan, These Grandparents Didn't Want Kids To Feel Lonely While Waiting For The Bus. So They Made A Life-Size Version Of Totoro, A Famous Cartoon Character, At The Bus Stop

26. An IKEA In Germany Gave Hundreds Of People From The Local Muslim Community Permission To Use Its Car Park For Socially Distanced Prayers

27. Perfect Gift

28. Years Of Work But It Was Worth It! I’m A Provider At The Same Place I Used To Clean

29. Dorothy Anonymously Bakes Treats And Leaves Them For Our Apartment Community. She Was Recently Caught

30. Sometimes You Need Some Bro You Don't Know To Love You

31. This Dad Of The Year

32. After 6 Months Homeless And Jobless, I Now Have A New Apartment, Car And A Job In A Call Center. And I Did It On My Own. So Proud Of Myself

33. The Kind Of Boss Everyone Wants

34. It Has Been A Very Long Journey, But We Finally Got Forever

35. I Just Had A Ruptured Brain Aneurysm And A Brain Bleed And Had Surgery And Actually Survived

36. At 16 My Guidance Counselor Told Me I Wasn’t Good Enough At Math To Go Into The Space Field. In 2 Weeks I Start Working On My Masters In Space Sciences And Engineering

37. Let It Stay This Way

38. Epic Dad Is Epic

39. Cheers For Judy

40. My Daughter Found Out That Our Mailman Used To Be A Pro Soccer Player And Started Asking Him For Tips. Yesterday He Helped Her Run Some Drills. He Did The Same Today

41. You Are Beautiful, Melissa

42. Made Me Smile

43. I Lost My Dad To Covid This Past July And Came Across These Old Pics Of Him Fixing My Bow-Tie For Prom. So I Had To Make Sure He Was Looking Snazzy Too

44. This Story Is So Adorable

45. Now That's Wholesome

46. Hopefully The Need Of These Kind Gestures Reduces To None

47. Made Me Smile And Cry At The Same Time

48. Be The Change You Want To See In The World
A group of young kids caught me on my way into the store. Asked me if I wanted to make a bet. I replied “I’m a gambling man”. Older kid said he could ride a wheelie on his bike stop sign to stop sign. I said no way... and how much? He said 10 bucks. I said why 10? He said they wanted a large pizza at Dominos... I said deal. He came very close but couldn’t hold it his wheelie that long... While they were figuring out how to come up with 10 bucks, I had already ordered their pizza plus a 2 liter of Sprite. Made my night. Love seeing kids be kids.

49. So Incredibly Wholesome

50. My Dog Gets Really Anxious In The Car, So My Grandma Asked To Sit In The Back With Him. The Whole Car Ride All I Heard Was "It’s Okay, We’re Almost There Brave Boy"
