22 Times People Listed Things That Were Considered Attractive In The 2000s, But Not Now, That Will Leave You Nostalgic
The way we did things back in the days is no longer the way we do things now as everything has been modernized.
- Published in Nostalgia
As the days go by, the world keeps on evolving and products are being produced to make life easier. The way we did things back in the day is no longer the way we do things now as everything has been modernized.
Think about it. You’re reading this post today all thanks to advanced technology as this feat has never been done before.
Your cooking gadgets, the television, the vacuum cleaner, the modernized toilets, the Chandeliers, basically everything around you has been advanced to look and work the way it does. And as these things get old, they become cheaper and more affordable for the average citizen, though there are some old artifacts that keep appreciating in value.
Sometimes, when we look back at some things we did years ago and how they are no longer trending, we tend to feel nostalgic. Most of them have even left like they were never there, and all we have are just memories.
But we also can’t help but acknowledge how far we’ve gone from all those years, and I guess that is why a Redditor by the name of u/geeyoung10 dropped a question to the r/AskReddit community saying "What was considered attractive in the 2000s but not now?"
The answers came in their numbers, and you’ll agree with most of them, so stick around and find out their replies.
What was attractive then but not now...
u/geeyoung10As at the time of this post, the Reddit question has more than 5K comments along with 9.5K upvotes. Here's what the redditors had to say about it.
1. I do see some women still doing this
u/__karmapolice2. Spiky bleached hair was really trendy back then
u/PlaystationPlus3. You'd see something like this in a Tuscan style kitchen
u/Mark0726904. Lol... It's the second comment for me
u/bunnies_and_birdies5. The second commenter still has brows from the 2000s
u/Samoanaa6. A really brilliant one
u/Molongoloid7. This was the epitome of douchy clothing
u/nobody20008. So true. We all are getting old... (Signs)
u/CplSaveAHo9. So true. Just rock it happily and move
u/Jethseter10. People still do chunky highlights
u/_smitten11. The fashion back then was just... Oh well
u/ariseis12. The juicy pants...
Ineedtoaskthis00000013. Well, apparently it's in the UK with another name
u/Coupeonzs14. You rock it and you're out the door
u/woodyever15. Want to experience it? Visit a rural trailer park
u/KingAgrian16. Either this commenter was an adult at that time or lots of data has been read
u/yourmothersanicelady17. So there's still people that thinks it'll come back...
u/ScientistFromSouth18. So much hair gel
u/gtr01119119. Von Dutch Caps
u/phattoes20. Well, it is funny
u/seafoam2221. Who has checked out Euphoria then?
u/CompetitiveStick623922. Someone still finds a few of them attractive
u/dont_tempt_me_frodo_As technological innovations keep coming in, old things keep going out, and the cycle continues. Just like most of these 2000s items are no longer attractive, so too will the items of today be attractive 20 years from now.
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