50 Wholesome Interactions Between Complete Strangers That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity
Nothing to see here, just humans being bros
- Published in Interesting
They say that a stranger is a friend you haven't met yet. This sounds way too idealistic for most of us who are too busy to pay attention to the people we pass by.
Plus, in the state of the world we live in right now, humanity appears to be divided by seemingly insurmountable walls. Yet, from time to time, we see stories of complete and total strangers going above and beyond to extend friendship to other humans.
Those rare moments are not so rare based on some of the posts that we've seen online. These wholesome stranger interactions are more than enough to warm our weary hearts and they definitely make us smile.
These stories are proof that genuine kindness will go a long way. There's nothing like the human connection to make our lives well-rounded.
Humans are social by nature and no matter how much we try to convince ourselves that we do okay when we're alone, at the end of the day, we need to have people on our side.
From people who meet over an online game and play for decades, to messages mistakenly sent to a wrong number, to a simple wave every time you see your mailman or garbage man, these stories show the best parts of humanity.
1. This 15 year old with a heart of gold
tiki.nutter3. Mom's showing up for other mom's because they understand how tough it is to have toddlers when you travel
bvenable13. A young boy showing that friendship can't be stopped by a language barrier
Jess7484. From Words with Friends to real life friends
half___empty5. Sisters Elsa and Anna reunited at Walmart
6. The older gentleman teaching a young man how to tie his tie
1Voice1Life7. A rare not stressful encounter at the airport
KevinArmentroutOfficial9. She's a dynamite 'gal
shannon.cox9. Dressed for the holidays to surprise the family and meeting a total stranger dressed the same way. It's a Hallmark movie!
ImplicationOfDanger10. An older guy came to dine at a restaurant alone. He was sharing stories to his server who then went on a break to sit with him during his meal.
reddit.com11. Every Thursday the garbage man honks and waves to this toddler. On her birthday, she got to meet him and share her birthday cupcake. The garbage man said that he also looks forward to the Thursdays that he gets to say hi to the kid!
cityblm12. He took the homeless guy he sees everday on his way to work to a football match. They drink coffee together on the streets and the homeless guy eventually got back on his feet and rented his own apartment. They're still friends.
Rossico Jenkoski13. Snow White accompanies an autistic boy who had a meltdown at Disney World
lauren.bergner.3714. 5 year old dressed as his security friend for "Dress Like Your Favorite Person" Day at his school saying "He keeps me safe."
MelissaZygTV15. Guy accidentally enters Hirane's shop to ask for direction and now he teaches him Japanese for 2 hours every day.
Sellatra16. Unexpected kindness from a stranger
AfricanPrize17. Grandma mistakenly invites wrong person to Thanksgiving one year and they're still like family 6 years later!
Jamalhinton1218. After his friend passed away, Ray Johstone posted a classified ad looking for a friend and a new fishing buddy. He received more than 60 thousand replies from his post and he has a new fishing buddy who took him to an all-expense-paid deep sea fishing expedition.
mati.batsinilas19. Cop in North Carolina spent his lunch break eating pizza and trading stories with a homeless woman.
BarnesNC20. Teen skateboarders teaching a kid how to ollie like them
passingglans21. We all need a good friend
mhdksafa22. We need to look out for each other
Cordmcoffey23. The unspoken connection between regular commuters
AsiaChloeBrown24. Uber driver Beni took his passenger to the hospital and kept him company knowing his family lives far
super_slide25. Offer kindness to someone and you'll probably end up with a friend and lots of interesting stories
jeffry.daniels26. Amazing kid
Darrien Middleton27. The best kind of friend
ailijones28. She said she remembers when she and her friends dressed up and went out. Now, she's also one of the girls!
SmithMahri29. Older guy makes the first move and patiently waits for a competitor. One appeared to melt our hearts and the match begins.
ktainsworth30. Little sister donated her heart. A year later the recepient visited to let the mom hear her daughter's heartbeat.
Necoya31. Total stranger drove for 2 hours and used his drone to rescue the dog who was lost in the woods for 10 days.
butterscotcheggs32. Kindness breeds compassion
QasimRashid33. Friendship and encouragement from a stranger at the gym
34. Beverly and her new friend
mikebookpro35. Gave a guy CPR because he had a heart attack while driving. He survived and finally met the hero who saved him!
Illhavethegabaghol36. Met online and played hours of games, they meet in person 12 years later
Buschstahf37. Worker sits down with kids to explain road works
theresa.fitzwater38. We do have guardian angels in the form of our kind neighbors
Thatgirl_Stacey39. Best friends in the making
DFacobbre40. His brother's bike broke down and this man pushed it 5km with his scooter. Told the mechanic they needed help and bought them beers while waiting.
Sincer7741. Store ran out of generators and this stranger gave his to a woman whose father is dependent on oxygen.
reddit.com43. This is how it's supposed to be
mary.terrinoni43. Baby wouldn't stop crying at the restaurant and the new parents were packing up to go home. Cue this couple who stepped in and offered to hold him while the new parents enjoy the night.
humansof44. Isolation brought us all closer in an odd way
45. Completely wholesome meet-cute
leebeattie46. People in the service industry deserve the highest respect (and liveable wage!)
barbara.danner47. Guy at the gym helps youngster with his calculus homework
GonnaNeedEarPlugs48. Best cruise friends reunited thanks to Twitter
briannacry49. Stranger drove to the hospital to braid her hair after she asked for help in a Facebook group
Samuscabrona50. Best interaction from a NYC subway
_SJPeace_I go back to these stories after being bombarded by the toxicity of most of social media. It's truly amazing to see that despite differences, people will open their hearts when shown kindness.
So, the next time you go to your favorite cafe or receive your package from your delivery man, be sure to make time and say hi to them. Your kindness and compassion might just be the very thing they need that day.