Here Are 50 Inspiring And Wholesome Stories To Prove That Humanity Still Exists

The start of the Old People Are Cool campaign to fight ageism

Here Are 50 Inspiring And Wholesome Stories To Prove That Humanity Still Exists

It becomes simpler and easier to adopt a pessimistic outlook as the days become darker, especially if you spend an excessive amount of time online. In order to remember that not everything in life is awful, it can be beneficial to consider some of the positive aspects of it.

Posts on healthy, adorable, and generally joyful things are featured on the "Heartwarming Stories" Facebook page. Charles de Vilmorin happens to be the CEO and co-founder of the senior advocacy group "Old People Are Cool."

It is an organization devoted to transforming public perceptions of the elderly and he revealed the main interest as to why he created the club.

“Yes! I was meeting with a professor in New Hampshire and saw these 4 words graffiti on a wall; driving back I thought I had seen something awesome that day. I printed stickers and handed them out at a Senior Living trade show where we were exhibiting.
People were rushing to get them and we started having amazing conversations. This has then led to the start of the Old People Are Cool campaign to fight ageism.”

So strap in, settle in, and enjoy these amazing stories that'll restore your shattered faith in humanity.

More info: Facebook | Old People Are Cool

1. So lovely

"This is my step-dad and I. I'm German, and my mother married him when I was 4 years old. He was only 18. He raised me better than my own mother or father did, even through a nasty divorce where he was cheated on by her. Even with all the racism and stereotypes I heard when we were out together, he didn't let it faze him and proudly proclaimed me as his daughter. Thankfully he is still there for me when I need him"
1. So lovelyHeartwarming Stories

2. A true rock star

2. A true rock starHeartwarming Stories

3. Indiana construction worker Jason Haney hid a giant "Where's Waldo" cutout all over his work site for the children in a nearby hospital to find.

Once he received word that they'd found him, he moved Waldo to a new location so they could start looking for him again.
3. Indiana construction worker Jason Haney hid a giant Heartwarming Stories

4. What a hero

4. What a heroHeartwarming Stories

5. Superheroes of our time

5. Superheroes of our timeHeartwarming Stories

6. Parents listen to their son's transplanted heart beat in the chest of the recipient of his gift. There is only one race. The human race.

6. Parents listen to their son's transplanted heart beat in the chest of the recipient of his gift. There is only one race. The human race.Heartwarming Stories

7. The animal world isn't left out

This goose used her wings to protect an abandoned puppy from the cold. The puppy was shivering so she folded her wings around this baby & moved him closer to her so he could benefit from her body warmth. Puppy stopped shivering & went to sleep
7. The animal world isn't left outHeartwarming Stories

8. Checking on grandma

8. Checking on grandmaHeartwarming Stories

9. A brave kid

9. A brave kidHeartwarming Stories

10. I'm wowed

10. I'm wowedHeartwarming Stories

11. She's knows she's safe with him

11. She's knows she's safe with himHeartwarming Stories

12. An 83-year-old retired Marine kept the promise he made to his friend while in a bunker in Vietnam, and stood guard one last time.

12. An 83-year-old retired Marine kept the promise he made to his friend while in a bunker in Vietnam, and stood guard one last time.Heartwarming Stories

13. A family in Mississippi lost everything in a tornado

The next day, they went back to see their cat sitting on the pile that used to be their home, waiting for them.
13. A family in Mississippi lost everything in a tornadoHeartwarming Stories

14. This is so heartwarming

14. This is so heartwarmingHeartwarming Stories

15. A mental health nurse

15. A mental health nurseHeartwarming Stories

16. I'm all smiles

16. I'm all smilesHeartwarming Stories

17. "This old woman uses a marionette of herself to feed squirrels in the park"

17. Heartwarming Stories

18. The escalator scared the 83 yr old stranger at the mall. The 23 year old noticed & said I'll take you down...

18. The escalator scared the 83 yr old stranger at the mall. The 23 year old noticed & said I'll take you down...Heartwarming Stories

19. There were a group of characters dressed as superheroes at a local costume shop

This young boy, who uses a walker, did his best to walk and approach Superman and simply just said "Thank you". Even Superman started to cry.

19. There were a group of characters dressed as superheroes at a local costume shopHeartwarming Stories

20. He waited 2 years at a hospital for a heart transplant. Now he's a Cardiology Fellow at the same hospital

20. He waited 2 years at a hospital for a heart transplant. Now he's a Cardiology Fellow at the same hospitalHeartwarming Stories

21. This is so lovely

21. This is so lovelyHeartwarming Stories

22. A promise made, a promise kept

22. A promise made, a promise keptHeartwarming Stories

23. "17 years ago my wife and I sat in a room and were told by a Dr that our 11 year old son had an incurable brain tumour that he wouldn't survive. Today we saw him get married, he's the best person I know I'm I so very proud to still have him"

23. Heartwarming Stories

24. You rock, kid

24. You rock, kidHeartwarming Stories

25. Let's get to work

25. Let's get to workKevinHart4real

26. "My Dad is afraid to fly, so when I was 5 yrs old I made him a doll to hold on the plane. Mom just sent me this picture. He is packed to come visit me. The doll is 43 years old!"

26. Heartwarming Stories

27. Give her another chance

27. Give her another chanceHeartwarming Stories

28. "This person's daughter died of cancer. Before she died, she made this drawing for him, now he wears it on his skin."

28. Heartwarming Stories

29. Thanks to Internet popularity, the kid from the "Success Kid meme" made enough money to fund his Dad's kidney transplant

29. Thanks to Internet popularity, the kid from the Heartwarming Stories

30. That is so nice

30. That is so niceHeartwarming Stories

31. What a gem

31. What a gemHeartwarming Stories

32. Paying their last respects

32. Paying their last respectsHeartwarming Stories

33. Awesome souls are still around

33. Awesome souls are still aroundByRobinEpley

34. "My grandpa when he turned 100, look at his birthday cards!"

34. Heartwarming Stories

35. An exercise ball

35. An exercise ballHeartwarming Stories

36. When you absolutely REFUSE to give up

36. When you absolutely REFUSE to give upHeartwarming Stories

37. It doesn't matter how strong & confident you may appear on the outside. Some days you just need your Pooh Bear

37. It doesn't matter how strong & confident you may appear on the outside. Some days you just need your Pooh BearHeartwarming Stories

38. Sad shelter dog whose only friend was this elephant toy learns that he and his toy are getting new home

38. Sad shelter dog whose only friend was this elephant toy learns that he and his toy are getting new homeHeartwarming Stories

39. An awesome dad

39. An awesome dadHeartwarming Stories

40. "I grew my hair out for 3.5 years to turn into a wig for my gf with alopecia"

40. Heartwarming Stories

41. Nice one, professor

41. Nice one, professorHeartwarming Stories

42. Elderly YouTuber writes his subscribers down in a notebook, then thanks them individually

42. Elderly YouTuber writes his subscribers down in a notebook, then thanks them individuallyHeartwarming Stories

43. Getting on a fire truck

43. Getting on a fire truckHeartwarming Stories

44. I'll be home for Christmas

44. I'll be home for ChristmasHeartwarming Stories

45. The Culinary Goat

45. The Culinary GoatHeartwarming Stories

46. So wholesome

46. So wholesomeHeartwarming Stories

47. Thank you dad

47. Thank you dadHeartwarming Stories

48. We love to see it

48. We love to see itHeartwarming Stories

49. Wow

49. WowHeartwarming Stories

50. Interesting

50. InterestingHeartwarming Stories

For most people, the 40s represent their most unpleasant years. This refers only to one's subjective sense of happiness, not necessarily to a genuinely better quality of life.

It can be compared to a U-shaped curve, with extremes of happiness at either end. But then, aging is a natural part of life; it's a beautiful experience.

Your future self will be just as good—if not better—than your current self. 
