Ridiculous And Totally Unexpected Food Servings People Were Suprised To Get In Restaurants
Some restaurants just don't know when to stop

A lot of restaurants like to do unconventional things to attract customers, people like new experiences, and a simple idea can turn into a huge success. Since creativity is often quite rare, it almost always ends up leading to some catastrophic results that should have never existed.
Some restaurants can get really creative with their food servings, it makes the whole experience more enjoyable and makes you feel like you're getting your money's worth due to the attention to detail and extra care. However, some restaurants try to be edgy and unorthodox and they end up failing so hard that they earn premium a spot in the list below.
“Our Environmentally Friendly Tempura Is Made With Sustainable Seafood And Vegetables, Harvested In Ways That Consider The Long-Term Well-Being Of Our Precious Land And Oceans.”“Wonderful! How’s It Served?”“On A Large Polystyrene Block.”

"Cocktail Bathtub Complete With Rubber Ducky"

“Here’s Your Beef Wellington Starter. Is There Anything Else I Can Get You?”“Tetanus Shot, Please.”

"Caesar Salad Or Charlie Brown Christmas Tree?"

"Waiter, I Prefer My Pie To Be At Least 9 Inches Off The Table"

"The Chips Come In A Rock"


"This Is A Take Out Dish - Diners Were Instructed To Plate Like This At Home. Part Of A $115 Tasting Menu"

"Turns Out The Best Plates Are At Arm's Reach"

"Espresso... To Go"

"Please Take A Charcuterie And Have A Seat"

"Yes, I Would Like Your "Mini Corn Dogs On A Ceramic Decorative Pillow" Please"

"Venison Cubes On A Deer Antler (Was Actually Incredible)"

"Gravy In A Urinal"

"This? Oh, It's Just An Orthodontic Mould Of The Restaurant-Owner's Mouth From Barcelona"


"Repeat After Me, Hub Caps Are Not Plates"

"Chocolate "Horse Turd" Truffles On A Manure Fork. Just No"

"My Cocktail Was Caged Because What If It Flies Away"

"Nachos On A Rusty Bin Lid"

"Beignets Growing On A Tree"

"Found On Yelp & Now I Don’t Want To Stay At This Hotel Anymore"

"What A Time To Be Alive"

"Full Breakfast In A Jar"

"Please Stop"

"My Cocktail Came In A Box"

"Syphon Tower Of Onion Rings"

"Fish And Chips On Paper"

"Charcoal Waffle Eggs Benedict On A Shovel In Barcelona"

"This Is Not How I Want My Biriyani To Be Served!"
