These Are 50 Unspoken Rules Of Life That Everyone Enjoys Following But Nobody Talks About

There are many unspoken rules as adults or certain professions that nobody talks about yet still follow.

These Are 50 Unspoken Rules Of Life That Everyone  Enjoys Following But Nobody Talks About

You would think that living in a world with no rules would be chaotic and very stressful with no direction, but that actually may not be the case. As you become adults you kind of realize the unspoken rules of the world and just that most people do certain things.

These unspoken rules would be sure to stick even if we lived in a world with no rules. We have developed an unspoken language about the rules of society and adulthood.

Some of these unspoken rules are quite silly and just something that it seems everyone does in a certain circumstance, but there are others that are more serious or more followed rules even if they are technically unspoken. These rules were found on Reddit on various threads that were shared by many Reddit users.

If you don't already know about these unspoken rules then maybe this post will help you be more aware of certain situations and help you out with the societal rules of adulthood. No matter what, these rules will always be the epitome of adulthood because it seems the older you get the more you know.

Let's dive into these 50 unspoken rules of life that everyone follows but literally nobody talks about.

1. Safety First

"If someone you don't know suddenly strikes up a desperate conversation and seems to be wary of their surroundings while on a night out - they are your best friend. Best friend.

Because they're probably being harassed by another drunken patron and need some backup and I don't care if it's your mortal enemy, you act like you love them because they've got problems. You do not ignore someone like that"

1. Safety FirstMcStaken

2. Yes, you always share your dress pockets.

"If your dress has pockets, you must tell everyone."2. Yes, you always share your dress pockets. alsoaprettybigdeal

3. Always respond to baby babbles.

"If a two year old speaks gibberish to you, you reply with either "you think so?" Or "thank you for telling me".3. Always respond to baby babbles.h4wkeyepierce

4. Do. Not. Scroll.

"If somebody gives their phone to look at a picture don't scroll and see all their other pictures."4. Do. Not. Scroll.[deleted]

5. This is a rule I've seen broken.

"NEVER propose at someone else's wedding, never."5. This is a rule I've seen broken.Kearshi

6. This is funny but also true.

"Give me six feet of space when I’m at the ATM or the urinal. Basically, whenever I’m taking valuables out of my pants."6. This is funny but also true.Dammit_Banned_Again

7. Oooo, this is a secret I didn't know about.

"If you work in childcare and see a baby walk for the first time you don’t say anything to the parent."7. Oooo, this is a secret I didn't know about.[deleted]

8. Please just wear your headphones.

"If you're watching garbage Facebook videos in the break room and other people are trying to enjoy their hour of peace wear some [freaking] headphones Alana."8. Please just wear your headphones.Enollient

9. Stop pointing out things that should be ignored,.

"An appearance flaw that cannot be easily changed shall be completely ignored."9. Stop pointing out things that should be ignored,. picksandchooses

10. Just don't.

"Don't ask if she is pregnant. Just don't."10. Just don't.ohyoshimi

11. Clicking tongs is a habit we can never break.

"When using tongs, you must always click them together a couple times."11. Clicking tongs is a habit we can never break.sirhempanite89

12. This is a definite unspoken rule.

"For any space holding people (train, elevator, classroom), let people exit before you try to enter"12. This is a definite unspoken rule._NendSudes

13. This one is funny and cute.

"Small wave at the driver when they stop at the crosswalk so they know you know they saw you."13. This one is funny and cute.sarkozywasthere_

14. This is a rule that some people will never follow.

"You do not initiate small talks with someone with their headphones on."14. This is a rule that some people will never follow. WallflowerAshes

15. Always.

15. Always. ConstantlyReading

16. I didn't know this rule, but it makes sense.

"If you offer something, you offer twice only. If they say no both times you don't push it"16. I didn't know this rule, but it makes sense. ghostye

17. Yep, this sounds about right.

"Don't make marks in a book that someone loaned to you. That means no dog-earing the pages, no highlighting/underlining/circling phrases and no writing notes in the margins. If you want to do that crap, get your own copy, don't ask to borrow a copy from me."17. Yep, this sounds about right. KingAlfredOfEngland

18. We do what we want.

"You don’t microwave fish in the break room at work."18. We do what we want. DestinysChildSupport

19. This does happen every time.

19. This does happen every time. handingstage

20. This is another one that people sometimes don't follow.

20. This is another one that people sometimes don't follow. [deleted]

21. Yes please.

21. Yes please. Cigars_and_Beer

22. Just don't do it. Please.

"Do not stand still in any choke-point of an indoor or outdoor space. Doesn't have to be a doorway or hallway."22. Just don't do it. Please. D**kcheese_McDoogles

23. Boundaries are important.

23. Boundaries are important. aronkovacs

23. Another that I didn't know about but I will definitely adopt.

"When using a stud finder, you must first point it at yourself and go "beep""23. Another that I didn't know about but I will definitely adopt. ElToberino

25. What if I want to be a savage?

25. What if I want to be a savage?Fritz376

26. Just be respectful when it comes to doors.

"When walking through a door and someone is behind you, hold the door long enough so the person doesn't get hit by it."26. Just be respectful when it comes to doors.[deleted]

27. This is a pet peeve of many.

"Closing your mouth when you chew."27. This is a pet peeve of many.Bonescielo

28. Unless you're close to the parents, right?

"You don’t take pictures of kids that aren’t yours"28. Unless you're close to the parents, right?PayLayAleVeil

29. Just give it to her. Women supporting women.

29. Just give it to her. Women supporting women. Yotsubauniverse

30. This is something that most people do and we love it.

"If a child shoots you with a toy gun you act hurt or pretend to die for them. No questions asked. I learned this when I became an aunt lol."30. This is something that most people do and we love it.[deleted]

31. Driving rules are hard for people to follow, apparently.

31. Driving rules are hard for people to follow, apparently.PinchiChongo

31. Help them out.

"If you notice something on someone that can be fixed within 5 minutes, tell them (Shirt stain, food in teeth etc)"31. Help them out. Bogshow

33. You should want to pay friends for their hard work.

33. You should want to pay friends for their hard work. kmg_365

34. Yes, this is always the public transportation rule.

34. Yes, this is always the public transportation rule. BlackShirt

35. This goes for adults and older children.

35. This goes for adults and older children.thehonestyfish

36. Yes, unless the bride isn't wearing white and they are okay with it.

36. Yes, unless the bride isn't wearing white and they are okay with it. MynameisntRio

37. Night stand drawers are for night time secrets.

37. Night stand drawers are for night time secrets. Beckarinoxo

38. I think we all did this as kids.

38. I think we all did this as kids. JaryJyjax

39. You're lucky if you get one after sneeze number 2.

"You don't get a "bless you" after sneeze number 3."39. You're lucky if you get one after sneeze number 2. D**kcheese_McDoogles

40. This is always what seems to happen.

40. This is always what seems to happen. EdwoodTheOwl

41. Always eat grandma's food even if you aren't hungry.

41. Always eat grandma's food even if you aren't hungry.Achela12

42. Yes, please do this if you don't already.

"Covering your mouth when sneezing...although everyone doesn't always do it"42. Yes, please do this if you don't already.Mojovman

43. This is the ultimate man's rule.

"There will always be a demilitarized urinal between two urinating men, unless overpopulation becomes a factor, in which case participating piddlers will look either straight forward or directly down at their dingle dongle."43. This is the ultimate man's rule.tallperson117

44. If you do, just clean it up.

44. If you do, just clean it up.-eDgAR-

45. This goes for friends, family, and anyone.

45. This goes for friends, family, and anyone.ballen15

46. I'm not trying to play bumper carts in the grocery store.

46. I'm not trying to play bumper carts in the grocery store. [deleted]

47. Please not in public.

47. Please not in public.LanceBelcher

48. Keep this in mind when it comes to applying for jobs.

"The internet is forever, so be careful what you put on it- especially if your real name/face/details are attached. People will find them and bring them up at the worst possible times.

A few seconds of thinking about if it's really a good idea to post that comment or whatever can do a lot of good."

48. Keep this in mind when it comes to applying for jobs.Forcipate

49. Just move to the right.

49. Just move to the right.EvaIina

50. Everyone should know this.

50. Everyone should know this.Dusty-Bottoms

Some of these rules are well known for literally anyone, but some of them are not as known because it is profession-specific. These rules really do help people in society when it comes to certain things.

These rules are helpful, playful, and just overall great for anyone who's entering adulthood and needs a hint of some unspoken rules that everyone (mostly) follows. Do you have any unspoken rules to add to this list?
