Here Are Some Of The Most Unsettling And Creepy Images That Just Get Worse As You Keep Looking At Them
These photos aren't for the faint of heart and we suggest not looking at them too long.

The internet is full of awesome discoveries and really odd photos. Ultimately, these can go hand in hand, and that's what we'll be looking at today.
The internet houses so many things, and being creepy is just one of its many different talents. So if you're an avid internet user, then you may have seen some of these images before, but if you haven't, just be prepared because some of these can be really weird and creepy.
Staring at these photos for too long can make you even more confused and show that the internet, the world, and photographs aren't always what they seem. After all, you can't believe everything that you see on the internet.
If creepy photos and weird images are something that you enjoy, then keep on reading because we're going to show you some of the oddest and creepy photos that are circulating on the internet. We asked many people to send us images so that we could compile them and make this post.
So, with that being said, let's dive in and check out these odd, creepy, and unsettling images that have been around the internet for quite some time now. Don't forget to let us know what you think!
1. Easy peasy. Just go straight, you know. And don’t look down…

2. So this is what they did for fun back then

3. This is going to be a no for me because this is so creepy. Don't stare at it too long- I'm warning you.

4. I don't know who thought this was a great idea but I can imagine that it just wasn't that great of an idea.

5. Well this person really has some explaining to do because this is just absolutely creepy. Although it's probably just a glitch- oops.

6. No thank you. I don't even want to know what is living down there.

7. Remember kids, nobody gives away anything for free. If it's free, then there is a consequence attached.

8. Now this is something that we don't want to see at night.

9. You might have to look at this one for a while before you see what we all see.

10. Yes instead just leave them hanging around for someone to take.

11. I don't know about that but I think that's not a place where people smile.

12. Well, if you're flooded then maybe just adapt to the situation, right?

13. I don't know what it is but it's quite scary.

14. You should know never to take a photo with flash at night because you probably won't like the results.

15. I would have freaked out because this just looks way too real.

16. You may want to look for triangle patterns in the middle

These pictures were pretty entertaining; although some were creepy and some were plain scary, we appreciate people sharing them. We love posts like these, and we hope that you do too.
There are some things in this world that defy explanations that go beyond the realm of our understanding. We can feel them, sense them, and even catch glimpses of them from the corner of our eyes, but we can never explain them.
These phenomena can leave us feeling unsettled and disturbed, like something is lurking in the shadows, watching and waiting. We can only wonder what secrets these mysteries hold and if we will ever be able to uncover them.
What photo was your favorite, and do you have any creepy images that you can share as well?