Woman Notices Sign On Tree And Is Shocked When She Sees Someone Standing Next To It

Before she knew it, there was a four-legged furry creature standing next to it.

Woman Notices Sign On Tree And Is Shocked When She Sees Someone Standing Next To It

As dog lovers would tell you, there are tons of things to love about dogs like their soft and fluffy coats, their adorable eyes, and their loving natures. We got to say though, that one of the best things about dogs though is that they're such goofy creatures.

When they're sitting down and just looking off into the distance, they might look like such serious creatures who would never dare misbehave but dogs can think up a lot of shenanigans. Trust us, every dog is different and every dog has their own mind for those kinds of stuff.

Some dogs love chasing squirrels or anything that moves to their heart's content, others love gathering your things like your socks, underwear, and shirts into their own little pile while a few others, love singing you a song every night. What we don't commonly see though is a dog who loves climbing up trees.

That's usually reserved for cats, right? This one little pup though is defying all expectations.

See, one day, Leah Saunders Goldstein was just driving near her home in Florida when she noticed a curious sign in one of her neighbor's homes. It was odd to her but imagine her surprise when she saw what was standing right beside it.

Read on for the whole story:

High up in a tree was this sign

High up in a tree was this signLEAH SAUNDERS GOLDSTEIN

Goldstein and probably whoever passed by and read that sign was confused that people wanted to let others know that their dog climbs trees and they were fine with it. It's such a random message to share after all.

But then, in an instant, it suddenly all made sense to Goldstein. As it seems, the sign just needed some added context.

“I was reading the sign and then, before I knew it, a dog was there too,” Goldstein said. “I was totally shocked.”

This is exactly what she saw

Suddenly, out of nowhere, an arboreal Chihuahua appeared up on the tree. As it turns out though, that's exactly where the pup belongs.

The chihuahua is named Daisy and she lives in the house on that corner and that tree is her spot.

What a cutie.

What a cutie.LISA LEVINE

Lisa Levine and her family adopted Daisy last year and they soon came to learn that Daisy loves trees. Apparently, after being let out onto the yard one time in her early days with the family, Daisy figured out she could actually climb the tree and keep tabs on the world below.

People passing by, however, naturally assumed she was stuck.

“A neighbor told us our dog was in the tree,” Levine said. “That’s how it all began.”


Before the sign was put up, there were even days when small crowds would gather beneath the tree concerned that the small pup couldn't get down. One day, a group even called up 911.

People knocking on Levine's door became a normal thing. Which is to be expected, right?

“I thanked them for their concern and assured them she was fine,” Levine said. “They looked at me like I was insane.”

The truth is Daisy never gets stuck. She's perfectly able to climb up and down the tree easily all on her own.

Watch Daisy in action

To help assure concerned people that Daisy is actually okay, a family friend of the Levines made them the sign and it was a success. People seem to have stopped worrying about the pup but, of course, it hasn't stopped the inquiries.

“Now, [when Daisy isn’t in the tree,] people ask us to let her out so they can see her,” Levine said. “She’s the sweetest little thing ever.”

She does look like a sweetie, doesn't she?

She does look like a sweetie, doesn't she?LISA LEVINE

As it seems, Daisy has no plans to stop her tree-climbing ways. Goldstein, who also recently got to learn the backstory with Daisy, is absolutely delighted to know that there's a pup keeping tabs on their neighborhood from above.

“We feel much safer with Daisy on watch!” she said.

If we also saw a dog up high on a tree, we'd also be pretty concerned, especially a dog that size. We know that dogs and climbing trees aren't usually a mix and we'd do everything in our power to bring the pup safely back down.

Daisy is fine though. It's just her own little quirk and it actually makes us love her a little more.

What do you think about Daisy?
