Here Are 40 "Totally True Stories" That Sound Unbelievable But Actually Happened For Real
These stories have the ability to make you laugh or cringe
- Published in Interesting
You may say almost anything online, or haven't you realized that? Unfortunately, some people actually do that.
Some people might be looking for likes and compliments online in an effort to enhance their egos. Others might be spinning intricate tales in an effort to advance themselves or even con readers.
Fortunately for us, they are quite lousy liars, so the outcomes may be amusing and cringe-inducing when we see through their blatantly ridiculous lies. That is just the kind of embarrassing Instagram post that Totally True Story collects.
It's wise to develop your common sense, especially if you spend a lot of time online. These cute little lies are usually as innocent as they come.
You can use your common sense to spot risky hoaxes, false news campaigns, and other deceptions that are ubiquitous in the Wild West of the Internet. You might believe these tales to be fiction, or you might believe they may be true.
But this post is a wonderful chance to practice using your common sense and "BS radar" to see if you can spot false information online. Then you can decide if lying increases or decreases when individuals are online.
Keep scrolling and enjoy these stories.
1. You can have both
totallytruestory2. Entirely different people
totallytruestory3. Catching new neighbor
jackcutieye4. Laughing at your own joke
totallytruestory5. Is precious okay?
totallytruestory6. It's gone nuts
talkprettyy-blog7. What an introduction
totallytruestoryOn the one hand, people may feel that they can get away with more when they are anonymous and remote. On the other hand, the possibility that hundreds or even millions of people will read your message increases the likelihood that you will be held accountable.
It turns out that the experts are right when they say that it depends.
8. Life getting so weird
younger-than-the-soul9. Extreme dad jokes
totallytruestory10. She's hooked up with the cop
autumn-sweet-fae11. It's going to be okay
milk-and-laxatives12. One heck of a mom
totallytruestoryOur willingness to lie substantially depends on our environment and our relationship with the individuals we're talking to, much like in real-world relationships. Why, then, do we occasionally feel that lying on the internet is simpler?
Well, there's fake news, for one, which can occasionally overwhelm us and make us doubt the accuracy of the information we see online. However, what about when we read something from a person rather than a news source?
13. Great sense of humor
handwrittenhello14. Destruction of government property
his-forever-girl15. Bust a nut
tmkiskmt16. Terrifying five minutes
totallytruestory17. "I married a fan"
seventh-fantasy18. Wait, you can see
totallytruestory19. Stop reblogging this
mew-loves-you20. It gets way worse
totallytruestory21. Being six hour old
totallytruestory22. What a story
totallytruestory23. Slim and perky
totallytruestory24. Y'all look exhausted and depressed
totallytruestory25. Woah
totallytruestory26. The British Are Coming
totallytruestory27. Another tragic story
totallytruestory28. That's interesting
totallytruestory29. The more you yell...
totallytruestory30. It's all falling down
totallytruestory31. What the heck!
totallytruestory32. We didn't start the fire
yeouchers33. This is hilarious
rogha34. It's getting pretty interesting
totallytruestory35. What a comeback
totallytruestory36. Living in a lonely world
totallytruestory37. This is a pretty awesome read
gamerinprogress38. What a comment
pupsmuggler39. That's the end of visits
totallytruestory40. I would ask the same thing
totallytruestoryEven though it's implausible, it's possible that some of these stories are real. Do you believe there are any instances where the internet erred?
Tell us in the comments section below, and share this post with your loved ones as well.