This Woman Was Told She's "Too Old To Dress Like A Teenager," And Her Response Is The Best

"I would love to show people that you can be yourself without the fear of what people might think. The freedom to let the inner you out for the world to see."

This Woman Was Told She's "Too Old To Dress Like A Teenager," And Her Response Is The Best

In today's society, self-expression, and the ability to be proud of who you are is usually celebrated. However, even today, there are many people out there with surprisingly closed minds when it comes to others' appearance.

Social media influencer, Lonni Pike, runs a blog called Gray Hair And Tattoos. And that's precisely what she is - a stylish lady in her 50's, with (you guessed it) gray hair and tattoos.

Lonni's mission is "to explore the world with laughter and a never-ending smile." She also loves dressing in cool outfits that showcase her unique style.

But, while Lonni has an abundance of admirers - she has over 375k followers on TikTok alone - she is also no stranger to criticism and cruel comments. And when one person commented, "you're too old to dress like a teenager," Lonni had the perfect response.

Lonni posted a video on her TikTok in honor of "dressing like a teenager." She wore a pair of tight jeans, a tucked-in t-shirt, and some killer Dr. Martens.

Lonni posted a video on her TikTok in honor of

The clip, and her inspirational message, has been viewed more than 1.8m times, and people are here for it!

The clip, and her inspirational message, has been viewed more than 1.8m times, and people are here for it!

"I get a lot of positive response from people appreciating the fact that I'm not afraid to show the world who I am," Lonni said.

Lonni got her first tattoo when she was 30. "I was in a bad marriage, and we were separated for a time," she said.

"I got barbed wire around my ankle because I felt trapped and helpless. This was the beginning of my journey to let the real me out and be who I wanted to be."


Lonni says her tattoos and style have had no effect when it comes to her professional life.

Lonni says her tattoos and style have had no effect when it comes to her professional life.

"I have a great job, I carry myself as the professional I am and considered one of the top in my field, so no, I don't think there is anything negatively impacted."

Lonni has become a much-loved inspiration to many who previously believed that life needs to slow down once you reach a certain age. She is always smiling, and her goal is to inspire everyone to be who they want to be.


"I would love to show people that you can be yourself without the fear of what people might think. The freedom to let the inner you out for the world to see," she said.


"I don't give anyone the right to respond negatively to me in any area of my life. My life is my universe, and critics are not allowed."


Here's how people reacted.

Here's how people reacted.