Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas Comes To Life On Stage With A Seriously Amazing Jack Skellington
A live-action film is unlikely but this stage version of the cult-classic is pretty impressive.

The cinematic release of Nightmare Before Christmas in 1993 could not possibly have foreseen the cult-like following that would cling to the film for decades afterwards but that is precisely what has happened. The story produced by Tim Burton is the perfect combination of endearing and spooky and it's not hard to see why so many have fallen in love with the story over the years (and continue to do so!)
As Disney embarks relentlessly on live-action remakes of a plethora of their stories from the 1950's thru the 1990's, it doesn't appear that Nightmare will be on that list any time soon, if ever. However, the idea of seeing a real-life interpretation of Jack Skellington (the Pumpkin King of Halloween,) is something fans have clamoured over for years.
Despite the desire, the animation style makes real-life versions of these beloved characters tricky to pull off.

Some cosplay attempts over the years have been pretty darn impressive, though.

A stage performance of the iconic story appears to be changing all of the preconceived notions we've had of what is possibe with this story and live-action tellings of it.
Now, Jack Skellington is being portrayed by Matthew Patrick Davis on YouTube in a stage version of the story.
Davis is well-known for both his work on YouTube and in the theatre and now he has brought Skellington to life while totally nailing the Danny Elfman music that pairs so perfectly with Tim Burton's vision.

Filming in a black-box theatre, check out Davis singing Jack's Lament.
You might find yourself craving an official Disney live-action remake afterall...