People Are Sharing Their Best "Street Smart" Tips And Tricks That Could Seriously Save Lives

People who have street smarts have a significant advantage over those who don't.

People Are Sharing Their Best "Street Smart" Tips And Tricks That Could Seriously Save Lives

"Street smarts" is something that is associated with growing up in the city or downtown areas. This is defined as having experience or knowledge to deal with potentially dangerous situations in urban areas.

Having street smarts can make you have an advantage over those who don't have street smarts. Typically, if you grow up in a city then you will learn some tips and tricks, but if you grew up in a smaller town then you may not have this extra knowledge.

A few Reddit users went to Reddit to ask people to share their best tips to help people be safe in the city. If you didn't grow up knowing some of these things then you definitely need to be educated.

Whether you live in a bigger city, travel to bigger cities, or are planning to move to a bigger city, these tips and tricks are sure to come in handy when in these types of urban areas. You never know when you or someone else might need to know these tips and tricks.

We've compiled the best 40 tips that were shared across these Reddit posts. These 40 tips include things that will help you navigate, survive, and overall just what to watch out for and do while you're in a bigger city.

Let's dive in.

1. Yes it's always because they want something.

1. Yes it's always because they want something. stankhunt

2. Yet another great piece of advice for everyday.

"Never flash your whole wad of cash in a public place while paying for something. Keep a few bucks loose in one pocket for spending.

Keep the majority of your cash in a separate pocket. Don’t open a wallet full of all your money where other people can see you."

2. Yet another great piece of advice for everyday. MrsDoctorSea

3. Let people know where you are.

"If you’re going to be away on holiday or somewhere you’re unfamiliar with for any length of time, it’s a good idea to try to always make sure that someone knows roughly where you’re going to be and what you’re going to be doing on a given day. Even if you’re like me and you don’t like to plan out a full itinerary, a rough indication of what your plans might be can help work out your movements if ever there is an issue."

3. Let people know where you are. lukemantel

4. Fighting is not necessary.

4. Fighting is not necessary. WatchTheBoom

5. Great advice.

5. Great advice. criuggn

6. In a pinch, act crazy.

6. In a pinch, act crazy. damienn22

7. Pay attention to the exits.

"Always know where the exits are in any place that you enter so that you don’t get lost in an emergency. Also, never place yourself in a “hole” in public where there is only one entrance and exit and no other people around.

These are often crime hotspots"

7. Pay attention to the exits. StefanFaniePetrus

8. Do this no matter where you are.

"Lock your doors as soon as you’re in your car"

8. Do this no matter where you are. kothecat

9. I've never heard this, but very smart.

"Carry an extra wallet with $50 in it and throw it if someone tries to rob you. STREET SMARTS!"

9. I've never heard this, but very smart. spacemanspiff66

10. Um, okay then.

10. Um, okay then. _HorseInTheHospital

11. Thi sis great overall life advice.

11. Thi sis great overall life advice. unknown

12. Be smart.

12. Be smart. acelkins720

13. This is great advice.

"Having good manners, and speaking with respect, will keep you from getting in trouble you didn't know was there."

13. This is great advice. Sin117

14. Always be cautious.

"You should always be afraid of secondary locations"

14. Always be cautious. ShinyNinja25

15. Look like you belong there.

15. Look like you belong there. reality_beast

16. Also don't tell them that you aren't from the area.

"Don’t ever tell the cab driver you don’t know where you’re going."

16. Also don't tell them that you aren't from the area. H0T-S0UP

17. You never know the intentions.

17. You never know the intentions. Coughlan16

18. Don't trust taxi drivers no matter what.

"Do not trust taxi drivers if you are a tourist"

18. Don't trust taxi drivers no matter what. silverguy23

19. Trust your gut.

"If the situation doesn't feel right, it's not right. Trust your spidey sense."

19. Trust your gut.E_911

20. Always be prepared.

"Wear shoes you can run the f**k away in."

20. Always be prepared. Crocutaborealis

21. Okay but this is smart.

21. Okay but this is smart. MissMurderpants

22. Very smart advice.

"Look up and notice if street lights have been shot out or smashed. If so, avoid those areas at night - there's a reason they've been disabled . . ."

22. Very smart advice. Back2Bach

23. Always pay attention to your surroundings.

"You might be "correct" when you have the right of way, but you're still the one that's going to be dead when you get whacked by the car if you're walking or on your bike."

23. Always pay attention to your surroundings. Dajerts

24. Wear your SPF.

24. Wear your SPF. H3rta

25. Follow their lead.

"If a group of people suddenly get down, so do you"

25. Follow their lead.aardvarkheart


26. NintendosBitch

27. Advice for in an unfamiliar city.

"If I'm in an unfamiliar city, I'll explore freely every neighborhood as long as there are women and kids around. Most mums don't hang outside with their kids if the street/area is unsafe.

This worked very well for most throughout Latin America, Europe and Asia."

27. Advice for in an unfamiliar city.=Xiaozhu

28. Great advice for kids.

"Adults DO NOT ask children for help."

28. Great advice for kids. ninten-dont

29. When kids get lost.

"Street smarts to give your kids: if you get lost, find the closest adult with kids. I saw this in action once at Disneyland when a 4 year old kid approached me and my kiddos while we were eating.

She joined us very calmly, introduced herself, and said her parents gave her the above advice. I heard her parents shouting her name not long after, and the relief on their faces was a sight."

29. When kids get lost.Aguacero7

30. Definitely do not brake.

"If you're driving and hit black ice just take foot OFF GAS BUT DON'T BREAK until the slide stops."

30. Definitely do not brake. AltheaInLove

31. ATMs can be sketchy.

"Before using any ATM, tug hard on the plastic card reader. Scammers often put a fake one on top that steals your info."

31. ATMs can be sketchy. MrJuniperBreath

32. This could work too.

32. This could work too. midnightsy

33. Not everyone is a friend.

33. Not everyone is a friend.Geddysbass


"You won’t get mugged if you look like you’re going to mug someone."

34. thisisntnamman

35. Both people lose.

"When it comes to knife fights: The loser dies in the street; the winner dies in the hospital."

35. Both people lose. rd1970

36. How not to be bothered by people.

"Walk fast and look pissed off."

36. How not to be bothered by people. Heroshade

37. Let them know you see them.

"Eye contact. A lone assailant will often use the element of surprise to their advantage.

If you’re walking alone and someone is following you, make eye contact to let them know that you are aware of them. This will often dissuade them from attacking.

This tactic has worked for me in the past."

37. Let them know you see them. MildlyobsessedwithSB

38. This is interesting.

"If you're walking and someone approaches, don't break stride. You can carry on a conversation while walking, but people who are looking to proselytize, sell you something, or mug you will want you to slow or stop to address them.

If they want to chat, make them keep up with you. You can even tell them that you're in a rush but would love to talk and walk.

They'll likely find someone more stationary, because if you can make a person slow, you can make them stop. If you can make them stop, you've already adjusted their priorities and placed yourself at the top.

It's a subtle power game. Keep going where you're going, and you retain your power. Stop and cat, and you've given it up and opened yourself to possible problems."

38. This is interesting. Diablo165

39. I wouldn't call this street smarts, but it's still good advice.

"Always ask for only one scoop of ice cream first because they make single scoops bigger, then act like you changed your mind and ask for a second scoop. They will be pressured to match the size of the first scoop, providing you with a massive amount of ice cream."

39. I wouldn't call this street smarts, but it's still good advice. gustavoramosart

40. This is very true.

40. This is very true. madeulook1

These tips are definitely going to come in handy when visiting new places or just being in a bustling, city environment. It's wild to see that some things weren't taught to those living in smaller areas, but that could also be because a lot of things come from learned experiences.

Street smarts definitely should be adopted by everyone because these tips are definitely smart.
