Step-Parents Who Are Absolutely Fed Up With Their Step-Kids
Patience has its limits

Being a step-parent can either be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life or your absolute worst nightmare, there's no in-between. Becoming a step-parent comes with a lot of new challenges and provocations; it's a really complicated position to be in and not everyone can handle it.
Step-parents evidently have a limited authority, which can make things a little bit more complicated than usual. Sometimes they just don't pull that much weight so they're often only left with frustration and headaches.
The step-parents in the confessions below are absolutely fed up with their step-kids, and they decided to speak out about it.
1. Wow, that's absolutely brutal

2. Worst feeling ever

3. It's definitely unfair (or maybe she's just biased)

4. She wants him back

5. Feeling like a second option

6. She never knows how to act around me

7. It's a damaging relationship

8. Always considered as the bad guy

9. Being a step dad to a brat

10. Left out and ignored

11. No need to remind me
