Talented Artist Illustrates Colorful Sailor Moon Series That Sailor Moon Fans Are Obsessed With

When the colorful illusrtations perfectly capture the personalities of the Sailor Scouts, it's easy to fall in love.

Talented Artist Illustrates Colorful Sailor Moon Series That Sailor Moon Fans Are Obsessed With

Polish artist, Daniel Kordek has been creating art for nearly two decades, both fan art and original illustrations, not to mention countless satisfied customers who commissioned work from him! His skills cross multiple modes and formats but whether he's using pencils or creating illustrations digitally, his work is always phenomenal.

A huge fan of Sailor moon, Daniel has created a lot of Sailor Moon fan art! The series we're delighted to highlight today is bursting with colors, perfectly capturing the fun personalities of the Sailor Scouts. It's definitely easy for any Sailor Moon fan to gush and obsess over these beautiful illustrations.

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1. Sailor Moon

1. Sailor Moondaekazu

2. Sailor Mercury

2. Sailor Mercurydaekazu

3. Sailor Neptune

3. Sailor Neptunedaekazu

4. Super Sailor Moon

4. Super Sailor Moondaekazu

5. Sailor Saturn

5. Sailor Saturndaekazu

6. Sailor Pluto

6. Sailor Plutodaekazu

7. Sailor Uranus

7. Sailor Uranusdaekazu

8. Tuxedo Mask

8. Tuxedo Maskdaekazu

9. Sailor Jupiter

9. Sailor Jupiterdaekazu

10. Sailor Mars

10. Sailor Marsdaekazu

11. Sailor Venus

11. Sailor Venusdaekazu

Daniel has created tons of Sailor Moon fan art.

Not to mention other pop culture characters, but here's some more killer Sailor Moon fan art!

12. Sailor Moon

12. Sailor Moondaekazu

13. Sailor Mars

13. Sailor Marsdaekazu

14. Sailor Venus

14. Sailor Venusdaekazu

15. Sailor Mercury

15. Sailor Mercurydaekazu

16. Sailor Jupiter

16. Sailor Jupiterdaekazu

17. "The Golden 5"

17. daekazu

18. Sailor Moon: 5

18. Sailor Moon: 5daekazu

19. Sailor Mercury

19. Sailor Mercurydaekazu

20. Neo Queen Serenity and Small Lady

20. Neo Queen Serenity and Small Ladydaekazu

21. Sailor Moon: Moon Power

21. Sailor Moon: Moon Powerdaekazu

22. Sailor Moon Team

22. Sailor Moon Teamdaekazu

23. Black Lady

23. Black Ladydaekazu

24. Sailor Moon

24. Sailor Moon daekazu

25. Sailor Moon: 5 Warriors

25. Sailor Moon: 5 Warriorsdaekazu

26. Serenity and Endymion

26. Serenity and Endymiondaekazu

27. Serenity

27. Serenitydaekazu