Guy Exposes Restaurant After Getting Fired While On Medical Leave, Which Resulted In The Restaurant Shutting Down

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Guy Exposes Restaurant After Getting Fired While On Medical Leave, Which Resulted In The Restaurant Shutting Down

Having a selfish boss is the worst thing on the planet, it's pretty much like being forced to "hang out" every single day with your sworn enemy and on top of all that, you have to be there to see to their every need.

Thankfully, we live in a society with rules and regulations, so bosses have to follow them, otherwise, they'll get in trouble and potentially lose their business entirely.

Reddit used furry_control told his story on the subreddit r/ProRevenge, where he shared with detail the horrendous treatment he received by the management of a popular pancake franchise, with an act of satisfying revenge at the end.

Here's furry_control's original post:

Here's furry_control's original post:


He also shared with us the pictures he used to support his claim:

He came well prepared!

"Proof to the manager I was in the hospital"


"Disgusting grease build-up, discarded food, and dirty serving plates on the grill"


"Nasty ceiling that I attempted to clean with bleach. Have since been informed it is mold"


"These tables, along with 5 others, sat dirty for 3 hours"


"Ceiling collapsed due to water leak multiple times"


"Toxic adhesive used to improperly secure a water leak on a drinking water line"


Evidently, people had a lot to say about this and OP even replied to some comments:

Evidently, people had a lot to say about this and OP even replied to some comments:
