These Comics About A Cat And Dog Duo Named Pixie And Brutus Will Melt Your Heart
I. Will. Protect. Pixie. With. My. Life.

You may or may not have heard of Pixie and Brutus. They're a fictional cat and dog duo with fantastic teamwork that the internet has fallen in love with. Instagram user and artist @pet_foolery illustrates comics with Pixie and Brutus in various scenarios, the base of these scenarios being that Pixie is a tiny, fluffy kitten and Brutus is a strong, large, and intimidating military work dog.
Despite his frightening appearance, Brutus is caring and protective of Pixie. (Who, may I add, is far too pure for this cruel world.)
Anyways, if you're having a bad day, I guarantee these comics will make you "awww".
I sense incoming brotherly love..
*whispering* Protect Pixie-
So pure :')
I mean, I'd be surprised if I found out that I had secret claws.
Rest in Peace, random hawk.
For more, head over to the artist's link below: