These Comics About A Cat And Dog Duo Named Pixie And Brutus Will Melt Your Heart

I. Will. Protect. Pixie. With. My. Life.

  • Published in Animals
These Comics About A Cat And Dog Duo Named Pixie And Brutus Will Melt Your Heart

You may or may not have heard of Pixie and Brutus. They're a fictional cat and dog duo with fantastic teamwork that the internet has fallen in love with. Instagram user and artist @pet_foolery illustrates comics with Pixie and Brutus in various scenarios, the base of these scenarios being that Pixie is a tiny, fluffy kitten and Brutus is a strong, large, and intimidating military work dog.

Despite his frightening appearance, Brutus is caring and protective of Pixie. (Who, may I add, is far too pure for this cruel world.)

Anyways, if you're having a bad day, I guarantee these comics will make you "awww".

I sense incoming brotherly love..


*whispering* Protect Pixie-


So pure :')


I mean, I'd be surprised if I found out that I had secret claws.


Rest in Peace, random hawk.


For more, head over to the artist's link below:
