It's quite fascinating to think that we humans enjoy experiencing situations that challenge our normal sense of what's right and what's wrong. We love to hear stories and movies that creep us out, we pay to ride a roller coaster that frightens us, we play games with scary monsters in them, and a lot of us even enjoy spending our night watching serial killer documentaries (and taking notes from it for fun).
It's clear to say that most people truly love the feeling of being thrilled and being creeped out. It may be a weird thing, but a lot of people like the feeling of being unsettled, especially when we hear horror stories, or we see something remotely peculiar in our surroundings.
It's no wonder that we have a great fascination for the macabre, and add to that, our obsession with ghosts. We try so hard to fit in this normal world that we always seem to find something beneath it, and in a way, believing in spooky stories somehow works.
If you're looking for a place to get all the juiciest creepiest stuff out there, then you would definitely love the Reddit community of r/oddlyterrifying. The community has over 2 million members that contribute to the ever-growing creepy and unsettling content on the platform—from photos of weird objects, natural artifacts, and even A.I.-generated images that just look off-putting.
The thing about these photos is that even though they are quite creepy and unsettling, it seems like it's impossible to look away. Just take a look at 50 of the best posts in the community below!
46. "Woke Up Scared Stiff Last Night When I Noticed A Victorian Ghost Floating At The End Of My Bed. Took Me A Few Minutes To Realise It Was My Clothes On The Door"
You were certainly in for a ride with these photos, and there's no denying that most of these are truly fascinating (to say the least!) How would you feel if you were to encounter at least one of these?
Comment down your thoughts or share these photos for all your family and friends to see! We love hearing from you.