8 Of The Funniest Posts From Everyone's Favourite Subreddit, r/NiceGuys

I tip my fedora to you.

  • Published in Funny
8 Of The Funniest Posts From Everyone's Favourite Subreddit, r/NiceGuys

If you've been active on the internet this past few months, you've probably heard of a popular subreddit called r/NiceGuys. With almost a million members and constant flooding of posts, this subreddit is one of the more well-known and popular pages.

In case you aren't familiar, a nice guy is very different to a "nice guy". A "nice guy" (in quote marks) is somebody who openly pretends to be overly kind and respectful towards women, only to turn completely insane if they happen to be rejected by a girl they were trying to impress. (Although there are variations of what's considered to be 'nice guy' behavior.) These posts are pretty self explanatory, so I'll let you see them for yourself.

1. Why.. are you on a dating app?

2. This is genuinely funny:

3. That took a turn.

4. Calling someone beautiful MUST mean they have the obligation to date you, right?

5. Can you imagine being in this situation?

6. Friend zoning: the biggest evil in the world.

7. Whoops!

8. Wow.
