Woman Gets Upset After Her Husband Refused To Name Their Son "John Doe"
Names play a big part in our lives and this husband isn't taking any chances with his son.

One thing a person will carry for the rest of their lives, except if they change it, is their name. While we may not use our names as often as others, we cannot deny that they are essential.
Some people even get bullied or face identification issues because of their names.
Unfortunately, people hardly ever get to choose their names themselves. They only grow up to find out and carry on like that.
That’s why parents need to choose suitable and likable names for their kids. It’s not always the most straightforward task, however, and can cause conflict among couples when both parents can’t agree on a suitable name for the child.
We found a story on the AITA subreddit highlighting the issues that can arise from choosing a name for a child.
A Redditor shared that his pregnant wife wants to name their child John after her late grandfather. The only problem is OP’s last name is Doe, meaning their child would be named John Doe, which is a placeholder name used when a person's actual name is unknown or is hidden.
OP stated that he refused to name his child this, as it would cause the child many problems in the future. This got OP’s wife upset and led to the critical question of AITA.
Check out the full story below!
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OP is determined to protect his son from future problems that could arise from the name "John Doe"

The story went viral, garnering 36k upvotes and 4k comments. We gathered the best reactions from the Reddit community for you:
"Nta...I think it's pretty important that you don't actually!"

...this Redditor continued by saying that the name could ruin the child's life

"NTA. Naming your kid John Doe is a stupid f**king idea."

"Don’t make a baby’s life difficult from the start by naming him that. Suggest that you name him after the grandfather’s middle name."

"John Doe is literally the name given to every unidentifiable male murder victim."

"NTA - please don’t subject a child to this."

"NAH...I don't think she's an AH but she's not thinking rationally."

"NTA. You absolutely shouldn't name your kid John Doe."

"NTA I have a friend who's name John Doe. It's caused him a world of trouble growing and even worse now as an adult."

"I do think you could compromise on the middle name."

"NTA. This is something I’d stand my ground on."

"This will cause so many problems for him in life. I work at a hospital in records and insurance. That is literally the name we give to people we can’t identify"

"Maybe do jonathan as a subtle nod to the grandfather?"

"How about your son take her last name so this whole thing isn’t an issue?"

The commenters all agree that OP is not the A-hole here. Some even offered creative ways to allow both OP and his wife to each get what they want.
One person, in particular, shared an article detailing the struggles a person named John Doe had faced his entire life.
Do you think OP should allow his child to be named John Doe? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!