Mother Calls Son Insane And Ridiculous After He Reminds Her Of A Promise She Made 20 Years Ago
She promised him that he would take over her ranch when she passes away, but things have changed since.
- Published in Interesting
Family can be complicated, especially when it comes to inheritances and promises made years ago. One Reddit user shared a story about the conflict between her two sons, Jake and Carlos, and the ranch that she promised to one of them.
OP explained that she has two sons, Jake and Carlos, who are both 30 years old. Although Carlos is technically her stepson, she adopted him and considered him to be her son.
OP also owns a ranch that she used to visit every week with Jake when he was a child. During one of these visits, she offhandedly promised Jake that the ranch would be his one day.
However, as the years went by, Carlos continued to go with her to the ranch, while Jake became more interested in football and didn't visit as often. After college, Carlos asked if he could work full-time at the ranch and has been there for the past eight years.
He has made great improvements and is the reason why the ranch is thriving. He also has a wife and child who live there full-time.
Recently, OP had dinner with Jake and mentioned that she had already decided how to split her net worth when she passes away. She explained that her son would inherit her mother's stuff, and the ranch would be split between Jake and Carlos.
However, Jake was surprised and asked why she wasn't honoring the promise she made to him when he was six years old. OP was shocked by this and responded by saying that it was insane for him to expect her to keep that promise.
She called him ridiculous, and they finished dinner quickly after that. When she said goodbye to him, he told her not to contact him for a while so he could sort out his feelings about the situation.
Since then, Jake has not returned any of her calls, and Carlos is also upset because Jake is his best friend and hasn't talked to him either.
OP has two sons, Jake and Carlos, and Carlos is technically her stepson
u/Own_Alternative8584When Jake was little, OP promised him that when she passes away, he would take over the ranch she owns
u/Own_Alternative8584Things changed since then and now her stepson, Carlos lives at the ranch and he's been making massive improvements over the years
u/Own_Alternative8584OP was having dinner with Jake one day and she told him that she would the ranch between him and Carlos
u/Own_Alternative8584Jake reminded her of the promise she made and she told him was being ridiculous
u/Own_Alternative8584It's been a week since that dinner and Jake hasn't been returning her calls
u/Own_Alternative8584Sweat equity
u/Background-Lab-4096Lawyer up!
u/Right_Weather_8916It's an old promise
u/heroicfigureTo be fair, she could have worded it better
u/Big_Nefariousness960OP's promise to Jake was made when he was a child and did not take into account the changes that would occur over the years. It's fair to say that promises like these shouldn't be taken too seriously.
Carlos has been working at the ranch for eight years and has made significant contributions to its success. It seems only fair that he would receive a share of the inheritance.