The Internet Shares Massive Lies That They Spun Just To Get Whatever They Wanted

No ragrets.

  • Published in Funny
The Internet Shares Massive Lies That They Spun Just To Get Whatever They Wanted

From a young age we are told that lying is wrong and that bad things happen as a result of said lies.

Stories like ‘The Boy that Cried Wolf’ are told to reinforce this and encourage us to tell the truth. Despite this, stories have come out over the last decade about people who got what they wanted by telling lies or stretching the truth.

In some instances this does in fact come back to bite them but in other situations they reach their end goal with no consequences. Here are some examples of times people have lied and reached their desired goal as a result.

Getting away with a forged school note.

Getting away with a forged school note.Source

Lying to build a new life.

Lying to build a new life.Source

Lying to get more time on homework.

Lying to get more time on homework.Source

Lying in law school.

Lying in law school.Source

Lying to get a job.

Lying to get a job.Source

Justifying a lie.

Justifying a lie.Source

The lying door guy.

The lying door guy.Source

Lying for living arrangements.

Lying for living arrangements.Source

Lying to avoid a dinosaur.

Lying to avoid a dinosaur.Source

Lying to avoid a paper.

Lying to avoid a paper.Source