Cat Lovers Know Exactly What Cat Logic Is And Why It's So Funny

#CatLogic ASF

  • Published in Animals
Cat Lovers Know Exactly What Cat Logic Is And Why It's So Funny

Cats really do the strangest things, all the time. Whether your cat is climbing something unusual, jumping from a strange place, or seemingly deliberately hiding while you frantically call for them, our cats seriously do things on their own terms!

It's not a complaint, for every bit of frustrating that cat logic sometimes is, it's equally adorable and lovable for us! The kitties, kittens, and cats in these photos really made some peculiar choices, but their humans knew instantly it was worth snapping a photo of and sharing on the Internet.

Cat lovers from all walks of life tend to delight in the common community moments we have as cat lovers!

1. L I S T E N

1. L I S T E Nofthefeliscactus

2. Well, cat, you see... you are not sandwich supplies.

2. Well, cat, you see... you are not sandwich supplies.RainyDay29

3. It's a PAWTY

3. It's a PAWTYRachelTheThudMuffin

4. Every cat lover will tell you this is basically the epitome of cat logic.

4. Every cat lover will tell you this is basically the epitome of cat logic.juniperzz

5. ME-OW

5. ME-OWboberthepker

6. Multifunctional.

6. Multifunctional.screon

7. He may not be the best but he sure is one of the cutest.

7. He may not be the best but he sure is one of the cutest.youreaspooty

8. Climb? Climb.

8. Climb? Climb.IAmReallyNotMilk

9. Normal is overrated

9. Normal is overratedadderall_sloth

10. I don't see anything??

10. I don't see anything??magenta_thompson

11. Some cats keep it crispy.

11. Some cats keep it crispy.Turpinator_04020809

12. This kitty is an interior decorator.

12. This kitty is an interior decorator.DarkNFullOfTerrors

13. Regrest were had

13. Regrest were hadreddit

14. Always touch da foot

14. Always touch da footthenytimes

15. There is no time like right meow to explain that cat logic is beyond explaination.

15. There is no time like right meow to explain that cat logic is beyond explaination.Otterleigh

16. Amazing.

16. Amazing.Twist_Ending03

17. Embrace life's little "nopes"

17. Embrace life's little Doubounoutte

18. Well, you know, effort?

18. Well, you know, effort?ukoncorneliouss

19. Congratulations! You have been blessed by a visitor.

19. Congratulations! You have been blessed by a visitor.reddit

20. How do they even DO stuff like this!?

20. How do they even DO stuff like this!?eliexx

21. Pleasant choices were made.

21. Pleasant choices were made.ratrodder49

22. Tech as Heck

22. Tech as HeckRallyPigeon

23. Anyone else 100% here for this?

23. Anyone else 100% here for this?TittyWolff

24. Kitten Logic ASF

24. Kitten Logic ASFsghatz

25. Suspicious cat is suspicious.

25. Suspicious cat is suspicious.Trash_Kit

26. A game of hide and go seek always worth having is one with your cat.

26. A game of hide and go seek always worth having is one with your cat.stephiii84

27. Honestly, it really is a nice place.

27. Honestly, it really is a nice place.ShisuiUchiha31

28. You can always trust your cats to get to the bottom of things.

28. You can always trust your cats to get to the bottom of things.buddhaonacid

29. Oh... oh I see.

29. Oh... oh I see.NeckBeardBeacon