28 Insightful But Harsh Realities People Don't Want To Accept No Matter How Hard They Try
Life isn't a bed of roses. Let's accept that as a fact.

There are 8 billion people on the planet, which means at least 4 billion unique perspectives and 8 billion repeated mistakes, and still, 8 billion people refuse to accept life's harsh realities.
Our perspective changes the way we see the world and how we interact with others. What we see consciously and what we see subconsciously are, sometimes, two different things.
You know the harsh reality in your subconscious mind, but your conscious mind won't let you accept that. We continue to live with a fairy-tale drama version of our thoughts, despite knowing the fact.
When harsh realities come true, we blame ourselves for "not knowing" or "not paying attention," but when you think deeper, you know you had it coming. People change; sadly, the bad ones don't face any consequences.
They blame their attitude on the good ones, and the good ones, well, they're busy blaming themselves for not being attentive. It's a twisted circle of fate where we're all running in one direction, but others are coming from the other direction.
When you know you'll collide since you're both on the same track, it's foolish to close your eye and hope for the best! This world is a mixed bag of good and bad people, and while you can't avoid the bad ones, it's important to be aware of harsh realities.
These hard-to-swallow facts are golden nuggets of information that can help you live a purposeful life.
Don't work hard always.
Hard work doesn't always pay off.

Bad things will happen.
Bad things will happen to you for no reason.

You can't save everyone.
Some people just can’t be saved, you could give them every benefit in the world and they still could choose to throw it all away and you can’t do anything about it.

Parenting doesn't guarantee love.
Some parents just don’t love their children.

Their interests come first.
Your government does NOT have your best interest at heart.

You can? Not really.
You can't be anything you want to be.

Happily ever after is a hoax.
Some people just don't get a happy ending, some people never find happiness or satisfaction. People tell you that there is light at the end of the tunnel but for some people there isn't, they never get to see any light, just darkness.

You have to be attractive to be heard.
Beauty matters in how people treat people.

Rich over talent, always.
That it’s more likely to succeed if born rich than if born talented

You can be the problem.
Sometimes, YOU are the problem in a relationship. And if people keep on leaving you, it may well be your fault. Even if you don’t feel like it is.

You are replaceable.
The world goes on after you die.

There is no Karma.
There is no karma. Bad things happen to good people. Bad people do bad things that never catch up to them. Good people do good things that screw them over in the long run. It’s all random.

We're never satisfied.
Us 1st world citizens have it much better than we think we have it.

First impression matters.
First impressions are a very f*****g big deal.

You can't please everyone.
Not everyone is going to like you, no matter how hard you try.

Money and good looks will make you successful.
Money and good looks matter

We're not equal.
We're not all special.
Some of us will not find love.
We're not all equal.

Someday no one will remember you.
You will likely be lost to history. In just a few centuries, nobody will remember or even know you existed. Sad, I know, but you just have to accept it.

Mistakes matter.
Mistakes do define you. The little ones don’t, but if you make a big mistake, it will alter your life to an extent.
Saying that they don’t matter is a lie that will prevent you from diagnosing life problems later down the line.

Friends come and go.
You don’t always keep the good friends you meet. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make more later on down the road!

Introspect the real you.
You’re the bad guy in someone’s story, so many of your enemies will never admit to doing anything wrong, but the thing is neither will you in some situations.
People justify their own behaviour to themselves. That’s why so many people can’t apologise and double down on the s****y things they do.

We're capable of doing worse things.
All human beings are capable of being viciously immoral. There’s a point where we can be forced or force ourselves to become completely animalistic.
We can perpetrate murder and genocide, as just one example, and if justified to ourselves correctly, we will feel no remorse. We like to think that the only people capable of such horror are a minority but the truth is that we are all capable of it given the right circumstances.

Selflessness is a myth.
Nobody is truly selfless, and that's ok

Live in the present.
People refuse to accept that this IS the reality. Lots of time and money is spent cushioning that blow.
We live here. We live now.
Best get used to it.

You can't escape pain.
Pain is inescapable. Not even acknowledging that pain is inevitable and preparing for it ahead of time can lessen it.
You will be taken by surprise, you will be hurt, you will not enjoy it, you will not be able to numb it, and there is nothing you can do except take it on the chin.

Death is scary.
Very few people truly accept their mortality, and most of the time when it truly sinks in, people get scared and want to avoid it.

People can fall out of love.
People can just simply fall out of love with you for no reason.
You fretting about whether it's you or something else or the investment is basically you giving them the reasons to strengthen the reason why they stopped loving you. When they could very much not have a reason at all, feelings and priorities can change.

Lying is okay, truth isn't.
People like to be lied to. They don’t like finding out they’ve been lied to

What Do You Think?
Perspectives matter when you want to see the world in a different light. Seeing the world in a different light helps us make better life choices.
To make a change, you need to be the change, and that happens only after you accept life’s harsh realities. Do you have any harsh realities to share?
Let us know in the comments box below!