Woman Wants To Keep Brother's Sick Dog Because He Can't Afford Its Treatment, Niece Doesn't Approve

"I'm doing this because I care about the dog"

Woman Wants To Keep Brother's Sick Dog Because He Can't Afford Its Treatment, Niece Doesn't Approve

Pets are a wonderful addition to a family, but they also require an investment of both money and time. Owning a pet involves a variety of expenses, including food, medical care, toys, treats, and other supplies.

Pets may also require additional costs, such as grooming, boarding, or training. Additionally, owners must plan for unexpected expenses, such as medical emergencies or unforeseen health issues.

In addition to the financial costs of pet ownership, there is also the time commitment involved. If you can't handle it, rehome your pet.

One Redditor shared an interesting story. She wants to adopt her brother's dog because he clearly can't take care of it properly.

Her brother asked her if she could watch his dog if it needed to be on medication. She already knew the dog had an ear infection and that prolonged vet care would be required.

However, her brother couldn't afford it. Realizing the dog couldn't wait until the end of February for a vet visit; OP offered to pay for the dog to go and keep it until the medications were finished.

Although her brother claimed he wasn't very attached to the dog, her niece didn't even come to say goodbye when OP went to pick it up. She told her brother she was doing this for the dog, not for him, and that she wouldn't accept any money for it.

The dog's condition was worse than expected, and it needed vaccinations, two ear infections, dental work, and lifelong medication for a heart murmur. Knowing her brother couldn't afford to pay for all the dog's needs, OP took it upon herself to care for the animal.

WIBTA if she keeps the dog?

OP asks:

OP asks:Reddit

OP wants to adopt her brother's dog because he clearly can't take care of it properly.

OP wants to adopt her brother's dog because he clearly can't take care of it properly.Reddit

Her brother asked her if she could watch his dog if it needed to be on medication

Her brother asked her if she could watch his dog if it needed to be on medicationReddit

She told her brother she was doing this for the dog, not for him, and that she wouldn't accept any money for it.

She told her brother she was doing this for the dog, not for him, and that she wouldn't accept any money for it.Reddit

The poor dog is in a bad shape, and she OP wants to adopt it

The poor dog is in a bad shape, and she OP wants to adopt itReddit

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:Reddit

The brother clearly cannot look after the poor dog correctly

The brother clearly cannot look after the poor dog correctlyReddit

OP shared some info:

OP shared some info:Reddit

That dog is so lucky that OP stepped up for him.

That dog is so lucky that OP stepped up for him.Reddit

OP should get things in writing

OP should get things in writingReddit

Well, if we are going to get technical...

Well, if we are going to get technical...Reddit

It is clear what's better for the dog.

It is clear what's better for the dog.Reddit

OP should chip the dog

OP should chip the dogReddit

Priorities are clear

Priorities are clearReddit

One Redditor shared their experience:

One Redditor shared their experience:Reddit

Pets can get sick just like people, and the cost of treating a pet's illness can be very high. Common illnesses that can affect pets include allergies, skin infections, urinary tract infections, ear infections, digestive issues, respiratory infections, and cancer.

Treatment for these conditions can involve medications, special diets, surgery, or other treatments. The cost of treating a pet's illness depends on the severity of the illness, the type of treatment required, and the pet's size.

Medications and supplements can be expensive, and the cost of surgery can be even higher. In addition to the cost of the treatment itself, there are also additional costs, such as vet visits and lab tests, that can increase the total cost.

In some cases, pet insurance can help offset the costs of treating a pet's illness. Pet insurance policies vary in terms of coverage, but they can provide financial assistance when a pet becomes ill.

For example, some policies cover all or part of the costs of medications, surgery, and other treatments. In addition, some pet insurance policies may also cover some of the costs of preventive care, such as vaccinations and regular checks.
