‘Invisible Labor’ Is Seriously Real and Cause Women To Feel Depressed

It goes much deeper than you think

  • Published in News
‘Invisible Labor’ Is Seriously Real and Cause Women To Feel Depressed

“Invisible Labor” consists of all the repetitive and seemingly endless list of chores and tasks that a lot of women take up in order to make sure that their kids are well taken care of and their houses are running smoothly and efficiently. According to a new study, the primary reason why women are feeling empty and depressed is due to that.

Around 90% of the women that were surveyed in this study reported that the family's schedule is their sole responsibility and 70% shared that the tasks around the house need to be not only assigned but also completed by them.


The study's authors revealed that women being solely responsible for household tasks results in “a certain level of misery.” In addition to the decrease that affects the levels of happiness following the handling of a child or children's well-being by the mother alone, it has a direct influence over the levels of happiness in a woman's life in general and with her partner.


There's no denying that there's a link between unhappiness and being a sole caretaker, although, the authors of the study are quick to point that it can't be proven to be its direct cause. But, nevertheless, there's still so much to consider and this study could open up a whole new debate about the issues surrounding this subject.

To put it in a nutshell, both parents should collaborate to raise a kid (when they both happen to be in the picture of course). So it's time to shake things around a little bit and improve our old ways.
