50 Hilarious Interior Design Flops

These designers deserve a medal.

50 Hilarious Interior Design Flops

The interior design is all about the delicate balance between form and function. It’s also about expressing yourself, but sometimes people simply overdo it. It is clear that sometimes people don’t have a choice, and some of the design decisions were made because of some previous work that cannot be altered.

But sometimes, it’s all about personal preferences. They also love to share design flops, and we have compiled a list of 50 of the funniest flops. However, some of them are plain right dangerous. Take a look at them, and consider them as suggestions on how not to do interior design.

1. "Prayers For The Contractor Who Had To Call These Homeowners And Explain They Needed A Second Set Of Front Doors Because. Math"

1. F. C. Tucker Company

2. It’s probably shaking the whole house.

2. It’s probably shaking the whole house.Pashunder

3. Social distancing

3. Social distancingtrautwein-gmbh.com

4. One to rule them all

4. One to rule them allReddit

5. Why?

5. Why?fourskincheeze

6. "Can't Stop Thinking About This Sink"

6. aprilcotz

7. Kitchen or a sofa? Let’s do both!

7. Kitchen or a sofa? Let’s do both!Reddit

8. "Imagine Trying To P..s While Drunk"

8. Reddit

9. How do you clean this?

9. How do you clean this?IdahoePotatoe

10. Golden monkey and a big head

10. Golden monkey and a big headpleasehatethesethings

11. "My Uncle's House Got A Bathroom Without A Door, Literally The First Thing You See When You Enter The House"

11. muurilin

12. "This "Form Over Function" Kitchen In My Apartment"

12. chefmacari

13. Stop there!

13. Stop there!a-random-pasta

14. Amazing

14. AmazingAcousticHigh

15. "Blinds Instead Of Curtains"

15. TrixoftheTrade

16. Why?

16. Why?thenewyorkgod

17. Neck pain and a head injury all in one

17. Neck pain and a head injury all in oneImgur

18. "All It Needs Is A Jukebox And A Soda Fountain"

18. Czechs_out

19. "My Parents Have A Bathroom With Carpet That Goes Up The Bathtub Walls. Bonus Points For The Terrible Wallpaper"

19. jbird2525

20. "8000 Magic Cards Covering 39m²"

20. Polkasalsa

21. Dangereous

21. Dangereouszillow.com

22. No comment

22. No commentReddit

23. "It's Not A Mirror, It's A Doorway"

23. daekaz

24. How and why?

24. How and why?IsItKandar

25. New kitchen design

25. New kitchen designDrFetusRN

26. The staircase

26. The staircasebagniorrendi

27. Creativity

27. CreativityImgur

28. "1. They Put In A Sliding Door To A Bedroom. 2. They Placed Curtains On The Outside Of It. 3. They Also Placed The Lock On The Outside"

28. Eeve3_Lord

29. How does this work?

29. How does this work?DogWhistlersMother

30. Close

30. CloseHenry Franks

31. "This Entire Kitchen’s Counters And Backsplash Are Covered With This “Faux Mold” Tile"

31. iheartcatsandcoffee

32. Throne.

32. Throne.mayoroftuesday

33. "Today My Mom Hit Her Toe With This And Was Bleeding. I Hate This Kitchen So Much"

33. reemathenerd2

34. Great thinking

34. Great thinkingCentella111

35. Invisible steps

35. Invisible stepsPaarnahkrin

36. "Yup, The Fridge Fit Boss"

36. waconcept

37. "My Friend's Under-The-Stairs "Bathroom" Where The Toilet Is Diagonal And Partially Installed Into The Carpeted Wall"

37. dbqbbq

38. "I Almost Fell Down And Rolled My Ankle On This"

38. I_am_lazy_15

39. Over the top?

39. Over the top?buckleybuilds

40. Fit for a Queen

40. Fit for a QueenReddit

41. Carpet everywhere

41. Carpet everywherewhyangelinawhy

42. Up the drain

42. Up the drainWinsthorne

43. "My Friend Just Finished A Kitchen Remodel"

43. SirCadwaladr

44. "My Grandma’s Bathroom"

44. Maxxerzz

45. "The Raised Cutout Of This Ceiling Doesn’t Allow The Fan To Suck In Any Air"

45. Rexmatt

46. "The Bathroom Door Of The New Place My Girlfriend And I Just Moved Into. I Was Sat At The Dining Table When I Took This"

46. Humphiee

47. Hygiene is important

47. Hygiene is importantImgur

48. Nice design

48. Nice designOrisLanius

49. Can anyone stand here?

49. Can anyone stand here?Djuna Ivereigh

50. "These Tiles That Are Designed Pre-Worn And Dirty"

50. toppstiles.co.uk