Twitter Page Shares 50 Incredibly Bizarre Photos And They're Sure To Mess With Your Mind
These mind-bending photos are totally confusing

Perspective is a powerful tool. When it comes to optical illusions, you'll never be able to get past them.
The same is true of well-timed photography, which frequently makes us question whether our eyes are deceiving us. We wouldn't be able to determine if it's just us or if everyone else is going insane if it weren't for the image-capturing gadgets.
Forced perspective photos is a method that uses optical illusion to make an object appear closer, farther away, larger, or smaller than it actually is. So, optical illusions and perplexing images that cause us to squint are not all that dissimilar from one another.
In fact, they make our brains hurt in the most hilarious way imaginable. Both also prompt us to question whether what we see is even real.
Though there are numerous theories explaining the phenomenon of optical illusions, they normally happen in a limited period of time. However, devoted pages like Confusing Perspective, which has more than a hundred thousand Twitter followers, do a great job of giving us enough thought-provoking content to remind us of the delicious enjoyment that uncertainty can provide.
1. I have to go now

2. That is one long cow

3. Get it out

4. No one dares come close

5. It's not it, I promise

6. A headless being

7. Nice outfit

8. Butthead in the wild

9. Fits so well

10. I'm reading and still looking at you

11. Those are some slender legs

12. Where's the foot?

13. You've got to look harder

14. Way to boop the snoot

15. It's confusing quite alright

16. A huge hole

17. Those are huge pigeons

18. Where's the fourth hand?

19. Got me here

20. Oh no

21. Nice legs, dude

22. So much happening in one picture

23. Where are they headed?

24. You have to run

25. What's with the animal face?

26. Clever

27. Oh wow my eyes won’t accept that it’s one whole image

28. Your royal longevity

29. Just having a peaceful sleep

30. Back hug

31. That is so not it

32. This selective breeding of designer dogs is getting out of hand now

33. Looks like his bark is longer than his bite.

34. No way

35. The king has spoken

36. Yes, that's my hair... Or not

37. Floating myself away

38. That's not cool at all

39. Nice view

40. Right on the surface

41. Don't chase it okay

42. They're both so cute

43. Wig on and wig off

44. That is one adult baby

45. Oh well

46. Look at that head

47. Yup, I got you

48. A parrot with a teeth?

49. Okay, that can't be real

50. Quicksand is a real threat people

Optical trickery is a sign of creativity and limitless imagination in the realm of art, whether it be light bouncing off dust in an instant or handcrafted murals playing tricks on our eyes. They take us into worlds where truth and illusion collide through the skillful manipulation of perception and the thoughtful arrangement of materials, producing some amusing moments worthy of an Instagram post.