Heartwarming Story Of A Homeless Man Who Saved An Abandoned Chihuahua
A kind man who was living on the streets had the massive heart to take care of a poor creature even when he couldn't afford to take care of himself.
- Published in Animal Stories
Sometimes, the people who have nothing left are the ones who are always quick to give everything to those in need, may it be to another human or in this case, a poor animal. It's truly a bittersweet thought that some people who have nothing left to lose are still kind enough to be a hero for those who are less able to fend for themselves.
A prime example of this is a heartwarming and real story of a homeless man who saved an abandoned chihuahua from meeting its tragic demise. He was found by a woman named Angela.
The woman was surprised to see and realize that this man didn't even have enough money to feed himself, yet he was taking of another being that also needed help. His name was Ron.
After chatting for a while, Ron began to tell Angela how he witnessed the poor dog when it was dumped and politely asked her if she can help find it a nice home. He recalled seeing a woman trying to get rid of the poor puppy by placing him amidst the busy road, so he rushed to save the dog from the dangerous highway and kept it from being hit by a vehicle.
“Just in this brief time we spoke, I was inspired by this heartfelt person,” Angel said. “He was just trying to do right so this dog ‘wasn’t homeless like me.’”
It was definitely a heart-melting sight to see.
Angel JanesHe wanted to keep the puppy but he knew he couldn't afford it longer.
He was desperate in finding a permanent home for the dog, and he was willing to put the creature first before himself. Unfortunatelty, Angel can't take the dog home either but she was willing to try her best in finding a home that could accommodate the dog better.
She shared the story on her Facebook page, capturing the hearts of the people who read it. A woman named Kathleen Dalman took interest in helping the man by sharing the details of the man's location on her own Facebook page.
Soon enough, a lady was on her way to pick the dog up and serve as a temporary foster parent for the poor chihuahua. “A few minutes after I posted it, a lady was on her way to pick up the dog to foster him,” Kathleen said. “She offered Ron $50 as a show of her gratitude for keeping him safe. He said, ‘No, I just wanted to do the right thing.’ But she insisted he take it.”
Angel JanesWhen the woman arrived to pick up the dog, Ron was in tears.
“He was in tears because he was able to help the dog find a home,” Kathleen said. “He said he knew what it was like to be homeless, and he didn’t want the dog to be homeless.”
Not long after, a woman named Chasity Guyer and her daughter wanted to adopt the dog and provide a forever home for the poor creature. They brought him home and named him Lucky Louie.
Now, Lucky Louis is living life well in a safe and happy home where he is loved. However, Kathleen couldn't stop thinking about Ron and his kind heart.
“I was so happy that things had worked out for the dog, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Ron,” she said. “He didn’t even have a place for himself. So, I started a GoFundMe page for him. I didn’t know if anyone would donate, but after getting the word out, it got up to $500.”
Chasity GuyerThe GoFundMe page reached about $4000.
After the first $400 hit the page, Kathleen withdrew the money and gave it to Ron, who was in absolute shock.
“He was in tears,” Kathleen said. “He couldn’t believe that the community would do something so nice for him. When I handed him the money, he wanted some of it to go to the dog’s care. But I told him it was just for him.”
Ron was so grateful for the help, and he told Kathleen that the money was truly a life-changer. With everyone's help, he was able to get off the streets and purchase a cellphone to find job opportunities.
His kind heart and actions are still bringing in donations from people who are so inspired by his story, so hopefully, he will be able to get back on his feet very soon.
Kathleen DallmanCheck out this video of Ron showing his massive gratitude below.
It was definitely a funny and lovely sight to see, and the girl who's handling the horse, as well as the one capturing the moment in action, were visibly amused. As great creatures as they are, they are actually well capable of producing silly moments such as this!
Comment down your thoughts, or share this adorable and humorous video for all your family and friends to see!