HOA Members Attempt To Remove Homeowner’s Trampoline, But Their Plan Backfires On Them

The trampoline in their neighbor’s yard didn’t bother them until it was time to sell their house.

  • Published in Funny
HOA Members Attempt To Remove Homeowner’s Trampoline, But Their Plan Backfires On Them

There are not many organizations in the world so disliked like the “Home Owners Association.” And there are so many reasons for that. 

Maybe that is an exaggeration. To be honest, sometimes they are doing a good job, and they are solving significant problems, thus making life more pleasant in the communities. Unfortunately, they are often used for revenge purposes and settling the score between the neighbors.

One man shared his experience in dealing with some devious HOA members. All this could have been avoided if they only talked to him face to face.

Read on; maybe you will find this situation familiar.

A neighbor had a plan.

A neighbor had a plan.reddit

The OP explains that he had a good relationship with his neighbors.

The OP explains that he had a good relationship with his neighbors.reddit

But the neighbors were willing to forget all about it because they had a different agenda.

But the neighbors were willing to forget all about it because they had a different agenda.reddit

The property manager was not of much help.

The property manager was not of much help.reddit

And why didn’t the board like the trampoline?

And why didn’t the board like the trampoline?reddit

Revenge time:

Revenge time:reddit

The trampoline stays:

The trampoline stays:reddit