Harry Potter Jokes That Only The Best Fans Will Get

Are you a wizard?

  • Published in Funny
Harry Potter Jokes That Only The Best Fans Will Get

In June of 1997 the literary world was forever transformed because the first Harry Potter book was released. Since then, an enormous empire has emerged through books, movies, video games, spin-offs, and so much merchandise (so much.) Globally, the Harry Potter story is truly beloved and continues to inspire children (and adults) to read, read, read!

Yet despite the unrelenting popularity of the magical story, there are definitely some fans above the rest. You may be one of them, it's hard to say for sure. One of the easiest ways to tell is how well you can spot a hilarious Harry Potter joke. Trust me, there's plenty of them and we're going to share some of the best ones with you. How hard you laugh just might indicate just how big of a fan you truly are.

The Dark Lord or The Bacon

He can only handle one, sorry.


Painfully relatable

Admit it, you named one of your kids after Harry Potter. You can't lie to me.

Painfully relatablejwoodham

The sting of the twins.

Brace yourself.

The sting of the twins.Tumblr


I just... I have no words.


Oh, Ravenclaws...

You know it's true.

Oh, Ravenclaws...Tumblr

The Sorcerer's Microwave


The Sorcerer's MicrowaveTwitter

Hufflepuff can't catch a break.

Everyone makes fun of the Hufflepuffs.

Hufflepuff can't catch a break.Twitter

Are wizards useless?


Are wizards useless?Tumblr

Happy Christmas

Merry whatever.

Happy ChristmasTumblr

That's another way of looking at it!

I'm sure millions of Harry Potter fans would disagree.

That's another way of looking at it!Twitter


I won't bother arguing with this truth.


Where is the lie?

This is 3 truths.

Where is the lie?Twitter


Besides, she was obviously one of the coolest.


Meanwhile, in an alternate universe.

We'll call this universe "reality."

Meanwhile, in an alternate universe.Twitter

No shame in your Potter game.

Your auto-correct just has a lot of learning to do still.

No shame in your Potter game.Twitter

Questionable judge of character skills.

I guess Harry just doesn't have a third sense that tells him "bad guy!"

Questionable judge of character skills.Twitter

Learning Curve

Well it had to happen eventually.

Learning CurveTwitter