Here Are 50 Of The Funniest Animal Memes That Will Get You Through The Day, As Shared By A Facebook Page
These memes are not just funny, but painfully relatable

Drawings of the various animals that people have seen in caves date back to prehistoric times, when human representations of animals first appeared. Cats, dogs, and other animals have been a mainstay of human creative material ever since the ancient Egyptians began to depict them in their artwork.
There is a fundamental human urge to show animals acting naturally. Ancient cave paintings frequently include huge, wild creatures like deer and horses..
Although human subjects are also shown in art, it's amazing to note that our forefathers felt compelled to paint the creatures they observed in their environment, despite the fact that they did not have as much free time as we do.
The precise reason why early people felt compelled to make these pictures is beyond our comprehension. Some people surmised that this artwork would aid in teaching other young hunters about potential threats and animals, but it's not apparent why this couldn't be explained verbally.
There's a good chance that this is merely art for art's sake. Pet owners may find amusing and terribly relatable memes that are gathered and shared on the "Animal Memeposting" Facebook page.
Go through the numerous instances of furry shenanigans that we've gathered up for you below.
More info: Facebook
1. Such a little one

2. Guardian of the Galaxy

3. Let's flourish with the flowers

4. When your cat's in love

5. Why are you baby sized, kitty?

6. It really is him

7. Just go along with it

8. I'll bite you if you don't do what I want

9. That's such a beautiful thing to do

10. That's not convincing enough

11. The cat wants to feel among too

12. Look at those little butt cheeks

Although these aren't memes in the contemporary sense, pictures of cats did establish a kind of common framework. The mannerisms of cats would have likely been known to even non-cat owners in ancient Egypt.
Artists would carve statuettes of deified cats as well as depictions of cats lounging around, nursing kittens, and generally being, well, odd little guys.
13. A definition of a cabbit

14. There's no sleep for you tonight

15. You really want to pet him?

16. It's a turn by turn thing

17. The door to freedom is opening

18. No DNA needed

19. The owl's peace

20. Are you really going to do that?

21. Ain't you a sexy birdie

22. I'll be waiting for you right here

23. Stop doing that

24. This is where I want to be

25. In here is so cozy

26. I fit perfectly in here

27. I just want to be with my hooman

28. What's the next step?

29. I've learned my lesson

30. It just has to be done

31. Such a cute fluffball

32. Me too, buddy

33. I'm sharing with you friend

34. Are you ready for what's coming?

35. See y'all soon

36. I can pay double

37. Look at those paws

38. Restocked, people

39. Now we're coming for you

40. I love the color

41. A soft life

42. Of course she would

43. Meet my cute cat

44. The dog is just so lovely

45. Giving you a thumbs up

46. The rat is the culprit

47. And take a look at that

48. Working at call-center

49. I'd like to have a bite

50. Give me some peesha

Animal reactions are fascinating to see, and it appears that this topic has long been discussed. Additionally, there is a history of employing related animals as human stand-ins, as seen in numerous literary works.
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